
20 Reputation

2 Badges

10 years, 46 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by as5987


I wnat to print the polar that contain a part of loops,but it always contains all loops.

how do I solve this preblem?

Any one can help me,please?


i make two component that the left named MathContainer0 and right named MathContainer1

which can enter any numers on it

and i want to solve the eqution such as  

x*%MathContainer0+y*%MathContainer1=0 ,and y*%MathContainer0+x*%MathContainer1=0

but it still not shows the answers i want

anyone can help thx 

this is my code but there has smoe problom

i make the MathContainer0 and MathContainer1 can be entered number

 i plot the loop circle, and then i want to show te insection of two circle,that the center and radius of two 

 depends on the value of MathContainer0 and MathContainer1 that we entered


any one can help me? thx

I want to print the intersection of thie two circle but it shows

Error, (in plots:-display) expecting plot structure but received: `intersect`(CURVES([[1.000000000, 0.], [.9973715671, 0.4177774453e-1], [.9895277204, 0.8289662909e-1], [.9765921620, .1227081842], [.9587688933, .1605845580], [.9363389981, .1959284174], [.9096562091, .2281823686], [.8791413299, .2568377476], [.8452755984, .2814426418], [.8085930973, .3016090174], [.7696723313, .3170188388], [.7291271048, .3274290836], [.6875968398, .3326755761], [.6457364935, .3326755761], [.6042062285, .3274290835], [.5636610020, .3170188387], [.5247402363, .3016090175], [.4880577352, .2814426419], [.4541920036, .2568377477], [.4236771240, .2281823683], [.39...
How can i do for this problem to solve

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