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19 years, 91 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by azdbacks4234

Use the following command: plot([cos(t)+2*cos(2*t),sin(t)+2*sin(2*t),t=-2*Pi..2*Pi]); Regards, Keenan
Your rapid response and help is very much appreciated...the Latex files in the ETC folder are precisely what I wanted; however, I am having one small problem. According to Maple help, exporting to Latex will convert any graphics in the worksheet to encapsulated postscript, which it does, I mean, I can see the files that are produced and the command to include them is present in the tex file, but for some reason they do not show up either in the DVI reader or when I pdf them. Any ideas on this? Thanks again!
If I understand correctly, you are looking for a means of creating mathematical documents. Maple has a Document Mode which is primarily for this purpose and offers typesetting of mathematical symbols and formulae along with interactive features; however, if you want to create publishable material, Latex (Miktex is a distribution of Latex) is the way to go. A good Latex editor that is available for free download is called LEd.
Hello, You could certainly find the antiderivative with Maple, but if you want to do it by hand, a simple trigonometric substition will suffice. Rewrite the integrand as 1/sqrt(1+x^2)^4 and then make the substitutions tan(theta)=x and sec(theta)=sqrt(1+x^2). This will transform your integrand into cos(theta)^2, which is readily integrated. I hope this helps. Keenan Kidwell
The GenerateEquations command in the LinearAlgebra does what I think you want. The calling sequence is GenerateEquations(A,v,B), where A is an MxN matrix, v is a list of unknowns, and B is an optional Mx1 matrix, if your equation is of the form Av=B. I hope this helps.
I'm a little confused as to precisely what you want to I interpret it, you are working in spherical coordinates and you want to compute the surface integral of the phi over a sphere of radius r. I believe the problem may lie in the fact that you have r as one of the variables in your spherical coordinate system and as the radius of your sphere. I also don't see the reason for defining the procedure rho when it is simply equal to phi. This is how I would go about doing what I think you are attempting. >with(VectorCalculus); >SetCoordinates(spherical [rho,phi,theta]); >SurfaceInt(phi,[rho,phi,theta]=Sphere(<0,0,0>,r)); 0 I hope this is the result you're seeking, but I'm not entirely sure...just tell me if I'm mistaken. You get the same result if you specify your list of spherical coordinates instead of cartesian coordinates in the commands you pasted. Also, when you ask how Maple tells the difference between a scalar parametric function and a vector function, I'm not entirely sure what you mean. A set of parametric equations given in a vector is a vector function. If you mean vector field, then Maple uses the explicit constructor VectorField. SurfaceInt is used for computing the surface integral of a scalar field, while Flux is used for computing the surface integral of a vector field. When using Flux, you do not need to specify a list of coordinates before specifying the surface over which to integrate; this is only the case in SurfaceInt. I hope this helps...if I'm completely off base, my apologies, just let me know. Keenan
What exactly do you mean by "implicit first-order ODE?" Do you mean an equation of the form F(x,y,y')=0? I could help you if I knew precisely what type of equation you were interested in.
The reason you can't get Maple to evaluate your integral is because in the assignment of the function h, you have "pi" in the denominator; this is the letter pi, not the number, which, in Maple, is "Pi." Fix this and you'll get .4664421164e-81 as the value of your integral. Also, might I ask for what purpose you need to evaluate this sextuple integral? It's rather unusual.
Alright, you say you want a function that takes a integer input n, creates an array with size n (meaning n elements) and populates it with integers 0 to n; in your example your array is size n+1 because you start populating with 0. I will assume this is what you want. The problem with your procedure, for starters, is that your for/do statement is outside the procedure. Here's one that does what you've described nArray:=proc(n) local a, i; a:=array(1..n+1); for i from 1 to n+1 do a[i]:=i-1; a; end do; end proc; This procedure returns an array with n+1 elements (as in your example) and populates with integers 0 to n, so nArray(5) returns the array [0,1,2,3,4,5] If this is not exactly what you were looking for, let me know.
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