
89 Reputation

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19 years, 91 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by azdbacks4234

Thanks a lot for pointing out that problem is cleared up. Keenan
Thanks a lot for pointing out that problem is cleared up. Keenan
I've got to say, I am super-excited by the announcement of Maple 11. Is there anything I need to do now in order to purchase a student copy in March, or will I be able to simply buy the upgrade for Maple 10 when it becomes available? I haven't even gotten to use all the features of Maple 10 yet...although this semester I'll be giving the numtheory package a workout. I'm a student at Arizona State University, and there are lots of professors who make extensive use of Maple in their advanced courses. Dr. Matthias Kawski (my instructor for general topology this semester) has an incredibly extensive library of Maple worksheets that I think may be hyperlinked on this site, and Dr. John Jones (a professor of algebra, number theory, and their applications) has a set of Maple labs that go with a book which he co-authored, Discovering Number Theory. I'm particularly interested in the new theoretical physics and differential geometry packages, as I hope to do research in the latter field and I'm immensely enthusiastic about the former (primarily general relativity). I'm also excited to see the advances that the research in Lie group methods for ODE's and PDE's can bring to the equation solvers. I do have a few questions which you may or may not be able to answer, but I figured I'd ask them anyway, as I'm having difficulty containing myself. Here they are: > > 1. Will the differential geometry package subsume the functionality of the tensor and/or differential forms package s? > > 2. Will there be any major changes and/or upgrades to the group package? Any new (abstract) algebra functionality? > > 3. Is the new differential equations package a successor to the DETools package? > > I guess that's all I've got for now. I'm a student of pure mathematics and don't have a lot of interest in applied or computational fields, but I must say, it is astounding and very exciting, as I learn more and more in school, to discover more and more amazing functions of Maple which are immensely useful for the study of pure mathematical structures. Please keep up the fantastic work.
METAPOST is a high-level graphics programming language for creating extremely high-quality postscript and encapsulated postscript graphics for use in things like Latex documents. Granted, it's not particularly quick or easy, and requires some practice, but in my opinion, it's the way to go if you want to create publishable graphics in Latex documents. You can do just about anything, plots of curves and surfaces, addition of any annotations you want, circuit diagrams, Riemman sums, direction/vector fields,integral curves, flow lines, and many others. A really nice guide with lots of exercises and full solutions can be found here.
METAPOST is a high-level graphics programming language for creating extremely high-quality postscript and encapsulated postscript graphics for use in things like Latex documents. Granted, it's not particularly quick or easy, and requires some practice, but in my opinion, it's the way to go if you want to create publishable graphics in Latex documents. You can do just about anything, plots of curves and surfaces, addition of any annotations you want, circuit diagrams, Riemman sums, direction/vector fields,integral curves, flow lines, and many others. A really nice guide with lots of exercises and full solutions can be found here.
I was able to download the new MapleCast today. It's clear you guys improved the audio, as I don't have to turn my speakers up to max just to hear. Thanks a lot; keep up the great work!
I have checked iTunes numerous times since the 8th episode of MapleCast was announced and it still has not shown up with the other anyone else having this problem? Thanks.
For your expression: y:=12/b/(b^s)*s/sin(Pi*b)^2*Pi^2 The simplify command returns: -12*s*Pi^2*b^(-1-s)/(-1+cos(Pi*b)^2) So it combines the powers of b, brings them to the numerator, and changes the denominator uses a pythagorean identity. I know this isn't exactly what you wanted, but at least Maple does combine the exponents. I would also like to know when (b^u)*(b^v) is ever not equal to b^(u+v). Maple performs this simplification with the simplify command without making any assumptions about u and v being real or complex.
For your expression: y:=12/b/(b^s)*s/sin(Pi*b)^2*Pi^2 The simplify command returns: -12*s*Pi^2*b^(-1-s)/(-1+cos(Pi*b)^2) So it combines the powers of b, brings them to the numerator, and changes the denominator uses a pythagorean identity. I know this isn't exactly what you wanted, but at least Maple does combine the exponents. I would also like to know when (b^u)*(b^v) is ever not equal to b^(u+v). Maple performs this simplification with the simplify command without making any assumptions about u and v being real or complex.
I went back an reviewed the help page for the laplace command, and you're correct, I did misunderstand the mention of initial values. Thank you for pointing this out for me.
I went back an reviewed the help page for the laplace command, and you're correct, I did misunderstand the mention of initial values. Thank you for pointing this out for me.
Define a function that sends a variable x to the subscript of a table (a table data structure can have non-integer indices), like this: >f:=x->table([a=.4,b=.2,c=.7])[x]: >f(a) .04 Another, more versatile way to do this would be to use a table with a name, so that you could edit it and add other indices and items, like this: >t:=table([a=.4,b=.2,c=.7]); >f:=x->t[x]; Then if you want to add an item to the table >t[newIndex]:=15; >f(newIndex); 15 I hope this is helpful.
That technique solved my problem; thanks a lot for your help!
That technique solved my problem; thanks a lot for your help!
I began the block with the various package loading statements (ended by colons), then I added the the printf statement and did not supress the output. Unfortunately I still have the problem. This is how the inside of the block looks: > with(VectorCalculus): > with(plots): > printf("Initialization Complete"); Then when I collapse the block, I get this: with(VectorCalculus):with(plots): Initialization Complete Thanks a lot for your help.
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