brian bovril

894 Reputation

16 Badges

18 years, 41 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by brian bovril

@Joe Riel on my machine


"C:\Program Files\Maple 2017\lib\maple.mla"

@vv i get error

alphametic("maple*sim = modelica + model")
Error, (in Iterator:-Permute) invalid input: too many and/or wrong type of arguments passed to Permute:-ModuleCopy; first unused argument is accept = pred

@Kitonum Thanks Yuri

@Kitonum I am having trouble visualising what the OP is describing.

Is it possible to produce a 3d plot or animation of the slicing and the shape of the objects produced as a function of R and the planes [x=+/-R,y=+/-R,z=+/-R]

@Carl Love Thanks. I made the change to the ELO procedure, and it works for that part.

But not for the Update procedure. It doesnt like my input.  Games:= [[Tom_C, David_J,D ],[David_J, Tom_C ]]:

Provide your prof a proof that 42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything.

@tomleslie Thankyou.

This leads onto a further question which I hope you can help with. I don't really want to convert to csv.....



@Kitonum but same result...

X86 64 WINDOWS 7


In my version of M2017.0


@Rouben Rostamian  42=the answer to life, the universe and everything....

but how, pray,did you derive your expression?

I tried many

@Robert Israel 

A:=[100, 101, 97, 106, 90, 115, 79, 128]:
A1 := ([seq])((A[k]-A[k-1]), k = 2 .. nops(A))
A2 := map(ifactor, A1)
#so we can guess the recurrance relation....
a:=unapply(simplify(rsolve({a(n)= (-1)^(n+1)*n^2+a(n-1),
                             a(0)=100}, a(n))), n);  # General formula
seq(expand(a(n)), n=0..10);  # The first 11 terms

@Kitonum Is there a formula to count the number of subsets, where the length of subsets differs.

It looks the same as the total number of set partitions of n distinct items into e sets of length l, with n = (e*l)!/e!/(l !)^e.

I don't know how this formula was derived, but there are 280 possible distinct partitions of a 9 member set into 3 subsets of 3.

This is the same as nops(SetPartition(L, p));


I see you changed the line P= Iterator:-SetPartitions(n,[[len,num]],'transformer=permute').

What about this Carl code. It used to work, but not in M2017. Can you (or someone) get it to work?

S:=[3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 28, 30, 35.1, 36, 37, 40];
assign(Labels ~ (S) =~ SL); #Create remember table.
AllP:= [seq(P, P= Iterator:-SetPartitions({op(S)},[[4,3]], compile= false))]:
lnp:= evalf(ln(`*`(S[])^(1/3))):
Var:= proc(P::list(set))
local r:= evalf(`+`(map(b-> abs(ln(`*`(b[]))-lnp), P)[]));
end proc:

ans:=sort(AllP, (x,y)-> Var(x) < Var(y))[1];
subsindets(ans, realcons, Labels);


EDIT: I'll answer my own question to a degree. I remembered I needed to install Joe Reils Iterator package into Maple 16.

I need an equivalent command for AllP for it ro work in Maple 2017......

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