
5 Reputation

3 Badges

13 years, 132 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by brunoleos

I found Spreadsheets to be a great tool for tabulating function values.

You need to use a GUI based instance of Maple.

Insert the Spreadsheet from the Insert menu. Then define a function like "y:=x->x^2". Fill in the first row the sequence for x values. Then, use cell references in the second row, referencing the value in the first row, as "y(~B$2)".

That's it.

@Stephen Forrest 

Thanks Stephen for your approach.

I could now get the vertices of the geometry and eliminate the redundant ones by organizing them in a set.

But I thought better about my problem, and I will explain it in depth. What I really want is to create a 2D lookup table about the heights of a surface in STL format (heightmap). So the POINTS approach is not the best, because the points are not commonly alligned. The best approach would be getting the intersection of the surface with a rectangular grid. I'm going to study the possibilities of doing that, because I don't know how yet.

Any help on achieving this will be very appreciated!

I've just found a workaround demultiplexing the force signal, applying it to 3 Prescribed Translation blocks, and adding Tapered Cylinders to them. With the radius1 = 0, it is has a conic shape.

Just wondering if it is possible to have a solution using Force Arrow...

Thanks in advance! 

Graham, thanks for the answer!

So, as you said, the interaction is made through signals generated from a lookup table. I see 2 direct possibilities for this:
1. The lookup table was populated automatically from the STL file, inside Maplesim;
2. The STL file was processed in Maple and the dataset created and loaded into Maplesim

If it was made as in 1, how can I create the data set directly from the STL file? And, if it was made as in 2, what is the data set file format that Maplesim can understand?

Graham, thanks for the answer!

So, as you said, the interaction is made through signals generated from a lookup table. I see 2 direct possibilities for this:
1. The lookup table was populated automatically from the STL file, inside Maplesim;
2. The STL file was processed in Maple and the dataset created and loaded into Maplesim

If it was made as in 1, how can I create the data set directly from the STL file? And, if it was made as in 2, what is the data set file format that Maplesim can understand?

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