
130 Reputation

2 Badges

3 years, 53 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by charlie_fcl

Hi, just some ideas for improvement!

- since MapleFlow uses Maple as its engine, more integration of MapleFlow and Maple would be nice. Some commands that work very well in Maple not always work the same in MapleFlow. For example, BodePlot plots magnitude and phase in Maple but plots only magnitude in MapleFlow

- a better Help documentation would also help. ?command/function works in Maple but not in MapleFlow. It's a bit anoying to have to open Maple just to get help documentation

- a lot of palettes are not enabled in MapleFlow. Again, it is a little anoying to have to open Maple to get some of the palettes copied and pasted into MapleFlow

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