
120 Reputation

2 Badges

2 years, 348 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by charlie_fcl

I'm trying some number theory functions and got a problem with prime factorization.

When I try the function ifactor in Maple, it works perfectly, but when I try it in MapleFlow, I get:

ifactor(50) = 50

Is there something I'm missing?

Thanks in advance for any help.


I just got 2 questions regarding symbols and answers in MapleFlow (I might be doing something wrong here).

- In trying to input the integral int(F(x), x = -pi/5 .. pi/5) - this is just an example! - as a symbol,

int(F(x), x = -pi/5 .. pi/5)

MapleFlow doesn´t accept fractions or multiplications for bondaries values, unless I input "int(F(x), x = -pi/5 .. pi/5 =". Is there anyway to do it?

- is it possible to have the answer as 2*cos((3*Pi)/10), like in Maple, instead of 2.00*cos(300e-3*pi) ()symbolic expression) or 1.18 (numeric expression)?

Thanks in advance for your help.


just a simple question: Is it possible to write if statments in Mapleflow, like (this is just a simple example, not what I would like to code!):

a:= 2


if ( a > b ) then c:=a else c:=b end if

and, if so, how to do it? I've tried the above code but got the error

"internal error: unhandled case IF in subsindents"


I'm trying out the 2024 version of Maple and I'm getting the following warning message:

Warning, not a built-in function (`rtable_alias`)

which I didn´t get for the 2023 version. I have no clue where it is coming from since it happens even when I start a new worksheet:



I've also attached print outs of the same worksheets (from Maple help examples and from Maple Portal), one using Maple 2023 version and the other one using Maple 2024 version so youcould see the warning and some other problems.

I really appreciate if someone would have an idea of what is going on here. Thanks very much in advance.






just a simple question: Is it possible to write procedures in Mapleflow, like (this is just a simple example, not what I would like to code!):

add4:=proc(a,b,c,d) a+b+c+d end proc

and, if so, how to do it? I've tried the above code but got the error

"expecting operator"

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