
10 Reputation

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8 years, 248 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by chemicaholic

I wonder why the thole procedure becomes ... when converting from 1-D math to 2-D math.

I tried to use a for loop to assign the bounds for creating an RTable in a Maple C wrapper (actually it does not matter what I do here). I checked that the for loop syntax is correct C syntax, for example even as simple as for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++){...} but the loop becomes an infinite loop and takes forever to run. Has anyone encountered the same problem as I did

How do we specify the length of the string in external calling if we don't know the length beforehand?

I was trying to call a C shared library which calls a Python function. I got the following error:

Error, external linking: error loading external library

/directory/of/my/library/ cannot open shared object

file: No such file or directory


Since I was running this using a pbs file, I made sure that I exported LD_LIBRARY_PATH (to inside the specific node. Does anyone have ideas on why this happens? Thank you!

I'm trying to call a C function which returns an array. The example on the help page is to pass in an array with known dimensions, which will be updated in the C function, but I wonder if this is the only way to do it. For example if I have an array of unknown dimensions beforehand, what is the best approach to return this array?


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