
97 Reputation

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17 years, 309 days

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BesselK(0,r)*r is being turned into something that gives wrong results.

The limit as r->0 is given as -1/2 when it should at least be positive.


Please see the attached worksheet above or:

It's happened a number of times for me that after I hit
When mod(8,3) appears inside the subscript index it seems to take the value 8 instead of 2. Not sure what's going on: Correct bit: > modp(8,3); 2 wrong bit: > lambda[jj mod 3] $jj=0..8; > lambda[modp(jj,3)] $jj=0..8; > lambda[0], lambda[1], lambda[2], lambda[3], lambda[4], lambda[5], lambda[6], lambda[7], lambda[8] lambda[0], lambda[1], lambda[2], lambda[3], lambda[4], lambda[5], lambda[6], lambda[7], lambda[8]
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