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These are replies submitted by cottrell

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The error introduces a (negative) constant in the resulting function ... the included worksheet shows this clearly. 


Still seems like a bug in the core symbolic stuff to me. 

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thanks for the quick reply!


I see that,  with the correct combination of hacks one can sometimes get correct results, but I am really using Maple for symbolics not the numerics.   The numerics are simply a check for me.

I've included another worksheet which shows the error made by the symbolic integrator, even with the capitalized Int command.

This error is of course coming out or much more complicated expressions which are not so easy to check ... my current strategy will be to avoid integrals (int OR Int) with left limits zero if any special functions are involved.

I'll keep posting if I find any better ways to deal with or understand this. 


I basically can not get Maple's latex export function to do anything reasonable, especially for matrices and with subscripts. Maple produces output with {\it .... } around every expression. Does not convert simple things like 'alpha4' to \alpha_4. Your code produced slightly better results than the 'latex' command. Thanks! I've attached a sheet using your code and the 'latex' command. If anyone has any suggestions it would be much appreciated for future use. View on MapleNet or Download
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I had same problem with exp(a*b/c); setting Display > Typesetting level to "extended" fixed it. Why? Why is this designed this way? This "default" behaviour seems to be undesirable and the fix is non-obvious. Every time I use maple I get very, very angry.
That seems awful. Can execution ever change the GUI-side stuff? I mean, can I write Maplecode that changes previously written maple code? It would seem that GUI undoes should be really safe - I don't expect to have execution undoes. It feels like this is a new problem, I'll try to find Maple9 tomorrow and see if I get the same results there and repost.
What you said makes sense but I don't think it is exactly what I am encountering. I have found that on occasion I can not undo GUI edits after a failed execution. If I was trying to reproduce the error I would try to 1) modify a line that it has a syntax problem (mapletext edit - I presume this is a GUI-side edit. 2) try to execute the line by hitting 3) then try to undo the GUI-side edit. I just reproduced this error with >restart; >f:=x->x^2+sin(x); this works fine .... and modifying to: >f:=x->x^2+sin(x; hit .... get an error, then try to undo the text edit. In my mind, it should be possible to undo GUI-side stuff across maple compilation events. I'm on linux (fedora 6 I think) and running off a network version of Maple.
Thanks for the quick responses. I would never have discovered these solutions on my own!
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