
1212 Reputation

8 Badges

19 years, 143 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by dcasimir

I need to plot the probability distribution function

f(x) = n!/(x!*(n-x)!*(2^(n))).

Can I just plot this as any other function using the various plot commands, or is there some statistics package option specially made for this?

Also can this distribution help me answer the question of obtaining the probability that the fraction of heads for 10, and 100 total coin tosses will be between 0.445 and 0.555?



(a)Assuming the probability of obtaining heads in a coin toss is 0.5, compare the probability of obtaining heads in 5 out of 10 tosses with the probability of obtaining heads in 50 out of 100 tosses.

(b) For a set of 10 tosses and for a set of 100 tosses, calculate the probaility that the fraction of heads will be between 0.445 and 0.555.

Can anyone help with a purely Maple solution to this problem? (i.e. not having to download anything extra.)


Just for reference I'm woking on problem number 26 in "Schaum's Outline Series " for tensor Calculus.

It gives you a Schwarzchild metric and asks you to calculate the Einstein Tensor.  I'm using the example of doing this that's given in the "tensor" package help pages.  However I'm not getting quite the right answer.

Just for reference I'm woking on problem number 26 in "Schaum's Outline Series " for tensor Calculus.

It gives you a Schwarzchild metric and asks you to calculate the Einstein Tensor.  I'm using the example of doing this that's given in the "tensor" package help pages.  However I'm not getting quite the right answer.

In the metric given in the problem the [1,1] component is an exponential exp(phi) and the last component is also an exponential, -exp(psi).

I've been given the task of Finding the Einstein tensor using the 4 x 4 Schwarzchild metric.  I'm starting to realize that this will be a daunting tedious task as I was told.

My question what route or approach should I take towards the different forms of the Riemann tensor which is what I will need?

Should my very first step just be calculating Christoffel Symbols of the first kind for the given metric?



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