
1212 Reputation

8 Badges

19 years, 149 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by dcasimir

Show that Legendre's equation has regular singularities at x = -1,1, and Infininty
Verify that laplacian(psi(r,theta,phi)) + [k^2 + f(r) + (1/r^2)*g(theta) + (1/(*r^2*(sin(theta))^2))*h(phi)]*psi(r,theta,phi) = 0
Radioactive nuclei decay according to the law dN/dt = -lambda*N
1: A boat coasting through the water, experiences a resisting force proportional to v^n
Can someone help me to analytically show that the following series is divergent. sum(ln(1+(1/n)), n = 1..infinity) thanks, respectfully
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