
80 Reputation

5 Badges

7 years, 292 days
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by deniscr

Does anyone know how collect zero epsilon coefficient from follow expression?

Is it possible?

Thank you!

Dear all,

I have the following metric

Is there any way to make the terms dt dphi and dphi dt not symmetric?





Hello everyone!

Does anyone know if it is possible define a metric like the metric below?



Thanks in advance!

Hello everyone!

I am trying to calculate the Killing vectors for the metric below. For such, I used the packages DifferentialGeometry and Physics. However, I found different results these packages. Could someone explain why?

Thanks in advance!


Could anyone explain why Maple doesn't calculate the Killing vectors for the metric below?

Thanks in advance!

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