
52 Reputation

2 Badges

18 years, 124 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by dinonykus

Tried to maximize a simple function f(t), failed. Converted it to different forms, still failed. Simplified the function a bit by hand and tried again, still fail. Only after some major simplification by hand and a transformation: u=s^2=(1/2-t)^2, it finally worked. I must be missing something. I thought such a simple problem should certainly be solved by maple in a flash. Can someone enlighten me please? Thanks a lot. > maximize(t^2*(1-t)^2*(1+t^2)*(1+(1-t)^2), t = 0 .. 1); / 2 2 / 2\ / 2\ \ maximize\t (1 - t) \1 + t / \1 + (1 - t) /, t = 0 .. 1/
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