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17 years, 356 days
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Budapest, Hungary

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by djc


There are wrong number of parameteres in seq, you can avoid this error using the right single quotes in order to delay the evaluation:

p:=t->piecewise(seq('q-1<=t and t<q, f[q](t+1-q)[i][j]',q=1..33));




You can also try isdifferentiable with optional argument : 

isdifferentiable(abs(x), x, 1, 'la');




The factrix command from the Maple Advisor Database ( )  can be used for finding the common factors in a matrix:

M:=Matrix([[1/4, 1/2], [1/2, 1/4]]);


1/4.(Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 1, (1, 2) = 2, (2, 1) = 2, (2, 2) = 1}))

plots[pointplot](([seq])([x, 0], x = [-2.5, -2, .5, 1.5]), symbolsize = 20, symbol = solidcircle, colour = red, axis[2] = [location = high, color = white], view = [-2.6 .. 1.6, -1 .. 1]);

I don't find  an option such as axis[n]=none in the help. It would be useful in this case.

 SFloatMantissa can also be used to get the digits of Pi.

Pidigits:=n->convert(SFloatMantissa(evalf[n+1](Pi)),string)[..n];# n digits of Pi without rounding the last digit


Thanks for the suggestions.

I recommend this similar topic of Mapleprimes, you can find here some useful tips.


You can use fsolve:

eq:=2.160417096*x^(2.513) + 0.9921351694*x^(0.512) -15.95645167 = 0;



A solution for your first problem:


f:=piecewise(abs(t)>=1 and abs(t)<=2,1);

F:=fourier(f, t, w);

plot(f,t=-3..3,title=typeset("f(t)= ",f));# the plot of f(t)

# In this case the Fourier transform is real so it can be plotted directly:

plot(F,w=-20..20,title=typeset("Fourier transform of f(t) is\n",F));


Ganso is a free library for global optimization, it has also a Maple version:

You can use the printf command for this purpose:


for i from 0 to 4 do printf("%10.2f\n",poi(i)*10000);  end do:

See it in the help:


You can use the Row command from the LlinearAlgebra package:


I recommend you the Spread package for this purpose ( it was referred in the thread above). You can use it in a similar way as Excel.



In the first colunm (A) you can enter the diameters, and in the second column (B) you can type the formula:   1/4*Pi* ~A1

The cell reference is the tilde symbol:  ~A1

You can copy-paste the formula and you can force the evaluation with the Evaluate All command in the right-click menu.

Thanks for the answers.

I forgot that I asked a similar question some months ago and Alex Smith suggested changevar, it works also here:


I would like to see a stronger algsubs command in Maple.

Thanks you all for helping.

  I have cleaned my maple.ini and it is ok.  I will check which package causes the problem.


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