
2022 Reputation

13 Badges

20 years, 146 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by eithne

For technical reasons, we don't always update the version number when we go from a .n release to a .n.1 release. But you can verify that the update was successful by looking at the Build ID, which should be 1762575 after you've applied the update.

@Carl Love, please check your build ID, and if it's not 1762575 and you still can't update, let us know.

Thanks for this. Reminds me of when I spent an afternoon trying to trisect an angle with a straight edge and compass, even though I had been told  it was impossible, Pre-internet, so difficult to look up on a Sunday afternoon, and after all, my father could have been wrong.  (I knew he wasn't, but I decided not let that stop me. Guess I was a rebellious teenager. :-) )

We did fix a problem in the installation of the update that has successfully addressed the installation issue for some users.  Unfortunately, it appears there may be additional causes for the issue of installing the package not working that were not addressed by this fix. We are investigating, and we encourage anyone who is experiencing this problem to contact Maplesoft Technical Support directly –support@maplesoft.com. The support team will work directly with you to further troubleshoot and resolve the problem.

@michalkvasnicka  Sorry about that, we are investigating. We did fix a problem in the installation of the update that has successfully addressed the installation issue for some users.  However, it appears there may be additional causes for the issue of installing the package not working that were not addressed by this fix. We encourage anyone who is experiencing this problem to contact Maplesoft Technical Support directly (support@maplesoft.com). The support team will work directly with you to further investiage and resolve the problem.

This has been fixed in the Maple 2020.1.1 update.

I’m happy to be able to be able to tell you that the fix for this problem is now easily available as part of the Maple 2020.1.1 update.

@djc We're looking into it.

This problem has been fixed in the newly released Maple 2020.1 update. Thank you for your help in finding and investigating this issue.

@Glowing We used ultra compression to reduce the file size for 2019.2.*, which is why it is a lot smaller than 2019.1.

An update to MapleSim is now also available, which provides these fixes to MapleSim users. See MapleSim 2019.2.1 update for details.

We have released a new update to Maple to correct this problem.  See Maple 20191.2.1 now available for details.

We have released a new update to Maple to correct this problem.  See Maple 20191.2.1 now available for details.

I am happy to be able to tell you that we have just released a new update to Maple to correct this problem.  See Maple 20191.2.1 now available for details.

Thank you for your patience as we worked through all this.

We are actively working on a fix for the issue you are referring  to, and expect to have a solution shortly.  Please see this FAQ for more information about this issue, who it affects, and available workarounds.

We are actively working on a fix to this problem, and expect to have a solution shortly.  In the meantime, for anyone who is affected by this problem, please see this FAQ for more information about this issue, and available workarounds.

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