
440 Reputation

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8 years, 25 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by emendes

@acer Many many thanks.   I will try to see if I can understand what Maplets is all about.  

@acer Many many thanks.  Not do I have a progressslider but also to save my own packages. 

I would appreciate if you could find a way to get it working in Maple 14.  I need to know where my proc got stuck after the 30 GB of ram ran out.   

@acer  Many thanks.   It works just fine.   Could that be part of a package?   A similar function that works on Maple 14 would be great. Many thanks.


@emendes I must be dumb! I could not reproduce the example given on examples,ProgrammaticContentGeneration on a clean worksheet. I do not know where the icon just before ProgressBar comes from.  I am completely lost.  

@acer Many thanks.   The shipbuilding sounds good since Maple 14 is the version I am using for the heavy calculation.  The function I want to monitor is inside of a module (which eventually will be a package saved with savelib).  


Yes, the update needs to be updated only modulo some large-ish number chosen depending on the size of the loop.

@Carl Love Many thanks.  Just of the sake of posting the concise version, here it is 

Test1:=(f::list(algebraic),vars::list(name))-> not evalb(member(true,zip((w,v)-> ((depends(w,v) and not depends(w,remove(has,vars,v))) or not depends(w,vars)),f,vars))):


@Carl Love Many thanks, Carl.   At least I am happy that I could work out a solution (of course based on Kitonum's first reply).  Your function, which is far more concise than mine, returns the same results.  Those are the kind of results I need.  I thank Kitonum too.

@emendes Sorry for the some many replies.   Another attempt



local flag,sol:

flag:=member(true,zip((w,v)-> ((depends(w,v) and not depends(w,remove(has,vars,v))) or not depends(w,vars)),f,vars));



end proc:

@emendes The following procedure seems to work except for the case where the input is ffff.



local flag,sol:

flag:=member(true,zip((w,v)-> (depends(w,v) and not depends(w,remove(has,vars,v))),f,vars));


end proc:

@emendes Sorry, somehow I haven't noticed the other tests within if.  Is there to build a more concise test? Many thanks.

@Kitonum many thanks.  Since the polynomials can have more than three variables in other examples, I tried to extend the tests within if to 



but that this gives a different result (third coordinate) when compared to the three dependences in our code.  What have I done wrong?


@acer many thanks.  I start to understand what is going on.  I will convert the old help files slowly specially after finding out that a good description and the command Describe will give a reasonsble alternative for the help, at least while I figure out how to rebuild all my functions.

@acer Many thanks.  I have modified your script for my needs (only path) and got an empty help page at the end. When I try for the second time, I got:

Error, (in HelpTools:-HelpCallUI) cannot add duplicate topic 'myprefix,sampling'

s.txt and myhelp.help are sitting on my maplev2 dir and seem ok.   I have tried to search for sampling on the help system but it is not there.  

As for the other methods, I have no idea where to start.  

@acer I am running 14, 18 and 2016 versions.  Thanks.

@Carl Love Thank you ever so much.

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