
440 Reputation

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8 years, 22 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by emendes

@Carl Love Thanks again for the explanation and for the procedure that works just fine.  Again thank you for your patience and help.   As you know I have lots of monomails like the ones above. Is there a way to print them line by line in a nice output?


@emendes To be honest, I could not understand the part where sort was used.  I have tried sort with plex but it always return an error.

@Carl Love Yes, that is right.  

I just want to thank you all for the help.

@Carl Love Many thanks.   If the plex order were to be added, would it be more complicated?  Thank you ever so much.  I have learned a lot these past few days. 

@emendes It would be nice if monomials could return the monomials but also the coefficients so that I do not need to worry about the order. I have tried coeffs with collect but the order is different from monomails.

@Carl Love Many thanks for your help and patience.  I managed to modify the original "monomials" to accomodate collect before I saw you reply (finally it seems that I am getting somewhere!).  

Please find attached the example where "The procedure does not work if collect has been used".

Please tell me what I did wrong.   Thanks again.


@emendes The procedure does not work if colllect has been used, so I wonder how it can be modified to use the order imposed by collect(p,vars,'distributed')?  Many thanks


@Carl Love About 500000 polynomials.  That is my aim but I don't think it is feasible.  The Grobner is calculated over each one of them.   That was the reason I have asked a question on how to limit the amount of time spent on calculating the GBs (the ones that exceed the time are left behind).  The GBs are calculated for each one of the polynomials not for the whole set (If that were the case, you could certainly call me crazy).  The 20 thousand in the example I have sent are the result of the GBs.   Finally I care about the order and I need to know many repetitions there are in the set.   GB can choke up easily with the polynomials I am using.  

@tomleslie Many thanks for your reply.  To be honest the list I was aiming for has 2^20 polynomials.   Using powerset to build it does not seem to be the problem.  The problem shows up when I have to reduce it by removing some elements using a for.  aux:=aux,result does not seem a good choice.  I am going to modify the code to use table.  Then I will reduce it further by finding the repeated elements after finding the Grobner basis (here is the main problem- there is no guarantee that a solution will be found - last time I try 30 GB wasn't enough).   Any suggestions?

@Carl Love Many thanks for your help and patience.  Yes, I need further help with it.   How do I control the time and memory used in IndicesOfMatches?   I mean, I don't want to spend more than a few msec each time IndicesOfMatches(gb1) is called.  Is there a way to force Maple to abort the calculations if the memory or time is above some threshold? 

I will not use the extension mw except in case of a proper Maple worksheet. I did not know that there is a code of conduct in this case.   Many thanks for pointing it out.

@emendes Hopefully an example of the list will be attached to this post. The list is called gb1.  Many thanks.




@emendes I forgot to explain the reason of the title "exceeds limit of 100000".  The msg came out when I appiled IndiceofMatches to a list that does not conform to the one in the original post. Here is an excerpt of the list.


[[x3,x2*x1,x1*x0],[x3*x0,x1*x2,x0*x0], ....]


Again MakeUnique works and remnoves the repeated elements.

@Carl Love Thanks again.  Please forgive my stupidity, but how do I use something different from Maple's 2d-input? Is that tab "C 2D input" not the standard input?   I am asking this because I had to change from () to NULL which means I have been using Maple's 2d-input.   I haven't test the procedure as yet since the testing list takes ages to be built.

@Carl Love Many thanks but Classify it is not available on Maple 14.  I have Maple 2016 installed on two computers but my floating license is for Maple 14.   The other answer is ok for small lists but as you have correctly pointed out is not for large list which is my case (250.000 elements).  

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