
1509 Reputation

19 Badges

16 years, 221 days

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Maple Application Center
I am the manager of the Mathematical Software Group, working mostly on the Maple library. I have been working at Maplesoft since 2007, mostly on the Statistics and Units packages and on contract work with industry users. My background is in abstract algebra, in which I completed a PhD at Eindhoven University of Technology. During my studies I was always searching for interesting questions at the crossroads of math and computer science. When I came to Canada in 2007, I had nothing but a work permit, some contacts at Maplesoft (whom I had met at a computer algebra conference a year earlier), and a plan to travel around beautiful Canada for a few months. Since Maplesoft is a company that solves more interesting math and computer science related questions than just about anywhere else, I was quite eager to join them, and after about three months, I could start.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by epostma

If you construct the tensor product W of an m- and an n-dimensional vector space, U and V, then you can view the elements of W as m by n matrices (by picking a basis for U and V). The rank one matrices are the elements that can be written as the tensor product of (nonzero) vectors u in U and v in V; this corresponds to writing the matrix as u

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