
Jacobe supta

125 Reputation

7 Badges

12 years, 101 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by escorpsy

Hi guys,

I've got problem with integrating terms consisting complex values, I would like to use principle value (1/x+ie = P(1/x) -i pi \delta(x)) to make integration process easier but dont know how to do it with maple . without using that maple gives very long answer.

Thanks for your help


Hi guys,

I can not solve this integral with maple ! I really appreciate if someone can help me! Mathematical gives a solution in terms of hypergeometric function! 

p^2 , m, \epsilon, D > 0 and i is imaginary number 


Hi guys ,


I have the equation dt=(L/r)*(1 - a^3/r^3)^(-1/2) dr which want to integrate on both side and then solve in terms of r.(L and a are constants). I know the answer (r=a (cosh(3t/2*L)^2/3),but it seems maple can not produce it!


Mathematical almost compute it corectly! altough i think  tanh-1, should be cosh^-1(x/a)^3/2


I would appreciate if someone can help me




Thanks so

Hi guys,

an error appeared in solving a set of equations and plotting the solution, I dont know how to handle it!!

Thanks for your help


Hi guys,

I have problem with doing a complicated integral ! 

Thanks for your help.


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