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19 years, 168 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by fbackelj

Hello all,

I have a question regarding printing to PDF. I am using Maple 2016.1 on Mac OS Sierra. When I choose print and use "Open PDF in Preview", I get to see something like this:

As you can see, the fonts are ugly and not anti-aliased at all (and it makes no difference whether I select that option explicitly in Maple preferences or not).
I've also tried Maple 2015, and it gives the same ugly result.

As a comparison, here is an example of a similar print of the same document that I've made in 2015:

Here, the font looks much better, properly aliased this time.
I also get this result when using Maple 18 on Sierra.

I am wondering: do other people also get this ugly result? In that case, it could indicate an issue with Maple 201X and Mac OS Sierra. Unfortunately, I no longer have Mac OS X El Capitan to compare...

P.s.: If someone wishes to try: just create some text input, choose Print, Open PDF in Preview, and then zoom in on the document.

Many thanks for your reply.




How does one explain this? 


A := Matrix( 3, 3, [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1 ] );
LinearAlgebra[ConditionNumber]( A );
linalg[cond]( A );

A := Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = 1, (1, 2) = 1, (1, 3) = 1, (2, 1) = 1, (2, 2) = 0, (2, 3) = 0, (3, 1) = 1, (3, 2) = -1, (3, 3) = 1})






B := evalf( A );
LinearAlgebra[ConditionNumber]( B );
linalg[cond]( B );

B := Matrix(3, 3, {(1, 1) = 1., (1, 2) = 1., (1, 3) = 1., (2, 1) = 1., (2, 2) = 0., (2, 3) = 0., (3, 1) = 1., (3, 2) = -1., (3, 3) = 1.})






Is this not a valid way for creating a floating-point matrix?
Otherwise, how do I explain the wrong result here?

-- Regards,




While doing some tests, we encountered an issue with LinearAlgebra[ConditionNumber], possibly caused by another routine in the LinearAlgebra package (MatrixInverse?). I include an example worksheet bug-maple.mw for easy testing.

To reproduce, you should start by creating this matrix:

with( LinearAlgebra ):
Digits := 50:
n := 4;
M := [ seq( cos( Pi*j/n ), j=0..n ) ];
V := VandermondeMatrix( M );

Now compute the condition number (infinity-norm) of V:

c1 := ConditionNumber(V);
c1 := simplify(%);
evalf(c1); # this gives exactly 40

We can still compute this exactly and get 40.

This is the same result as with linalg[cond]:

c2 := linalg[cond](V);
c2 := simplify(%);

Now increase the value of n to 5 and redo the test.
The exact result should be 120, but LinearAlgebra[ConditionNumber] gives the wrong result!
On the other hand, linalg[cond] gives the correct, exact result (after simplification).

n := 5; # this gives a wrong result :-(

We could use Norm(V) * Norm(Inv(v)) since this should be equal to the condition number.
But then it seems there's something bad inside the MatrixInverse routine.
Again, linalg[inverse] gives the correct, exact result.
So compare the two results:

n := 4;

Finally, to make matters even worse, ConditionNumber gives completely wrong results when using a float-matrix, while linalg[cond] does not:

n := 3;
V := VandermondeMatrix( evalf(M) );
c1 := ConditionNumber( V );
c2 := linalg[cond]( V );

For n=3, we get c1=10.6 and c2=16.
For n=4, we get c2=5 and c2=40.
For n=5, we get c1=68.07 and c2=119.999.

Is this what it looks like? With it being a really, really ugly bug?

-- Many thanks for your reply,


Hello all,

Yesterday, I upgraded to Mac OS X El Capitan.

Now, when working with Maple 2015, I feel the gui is very slow and sometimes irresponsive, when trying to scroll through my worksheets as well as through help pages (e.g., "help plot3d"). When I do the same within Maple 18, it works without any problems.

Does anybody else have the same issue?




Just a small question: what's the difference between writing

product( (2*i-1) mod 3 + 1, i=1..10 )

which incorrectly gives 105411381075, and writing

mul( (2*i-1) mod 3 + 1, i=1..10 )

which correctly gives 432...

And what's the reasoning behind this?

-- Regards,


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