
15 Reputation

3 Badges

11 years, 347 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by felixiao

@mmcdara Hello! I have identified the errors in my program and corrected them. Tank you for your help and thank your colleagues.

@mmcdara qqs.mw I am grateful for your response and I commend you on your rigorous academic pursuit. I want to know how to calculate the value of the   qqs.mw  matrix.

@Carl Love Ok, thank you for the reminder and your help.

@Carl Love n3.mw QP.mw Thank you for your help. I want TH(11) in n3.mw to automatically jump to TH(22) to reduce input. The results from n3.mw  match those from QP.mw.

@Carl Love  Good morning!1/T11 . H1 . 1/H2 . T12 . 1/T13 . H2 . 1/H3 . T14 . 1/T15 . H3 . 1/H1 . T16 represents the product of the matrix coefficients of the first obstacle, 1/T21 . H1 . 1/H2 . T22 . 1/T23 . H2 . 1/H3 . T24 . 1/T25 . H3 . 1/H1 . Y represents the product of the matrix coefficients of the second obstacle, so  there's no T17 to T21.  My understanding is that both programs express the same idea. However, they yield different results. After using a loop statement(VPP.mw), I did not achieve the desired outcome. The result(ttp.mw) without the loop statement was correct.   ttp.mw   VPP.mw

ttp.mw   VPP.mw  I want to implement MM := 1/T11 . H1 . 1/H2 . T12 . 1/T13 . H2 . 1/H3. T14 . 1/T15 . H3 . 1/H1 . T16 . 1/T21 . H1. 1/H2 . T22 . 1/T23 . H2 . 1/H3 . T24 . 1/T25 . H3 . 1/H1 . Y  using loops, however, it failed.

@Carl Love  I felt delighted reading your response, especially when you acknowledged my struggle to grasp the principles of Maple programming. As a mathematics PhD with limited computer science knowledge, I often seek help when I face programming challenges. Your assistance is invaluable, as you consistently understand my needs and provide significant support.

@mmcdara Ok, thank you for your help.

Hello! I want to find the x-values when KR[N] is greater than or equal to 0.4. How can I do this?


@Carl Love  Thank you for helping me solve the problem. I have use it in my paper and got a good result.

@dharr Ok, thank you!

@dharr MMSE_2re.mw Hello, this is the worksheet.

@dharr Hello! I have found the maximum value of KR[N], but I want to know how many maximum values exist. What should I do?

Thank you for helping me solve the problem. I admire your working attitude and efficiency in solving the problem. @dharr 

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