
35 Reputation

4 Badges

10 years, 201 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by ganelon


Many thanks. Is it  possible to obtain divisors also reduced to last few digits for such huge numbers as 3^123456789?

@Adam Ledger 

I mean to turn them to a rectangular or a polar form. As to the imaginary part I cannot say exactly because I am not a specialist. Any possible imaginary part.

@Adam Ledger 

Is it possible to replace the fractions of this row by complex numbers?


Actually it is a row of ascending fifths. I just used them as an example. I want to know how one should generally proceed to make Maple analize a sequence.

I want to specify that initially only a sequence is known. How to make Maple analize it and define an underlying principle?

When I try to proceed logs: > (521*ln(3)+ln(2))/ln(2);

the output simply doubles the input in blue colour. How to get the result in n decimal form?

Yes, the solution is unique but if I process solve(3.0^665/2^x=y,x);

I receive the exotic output 1.442695041ln(0.1930342571 10^318/y)

Actually the answer is x =1054. Is there a possibility to receive a more definite output?

But if I want to indicate that y is more than 1 and less than 2?

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