
4 Reputation

2 Badges

18 years, 313 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by gatsh

I encountered the pair command in order to zip a pair of variabels. This is usefull for 2d plot. Is there's a way to do it for 3d plot, meaning zipping three parameters?
I noticed that this function is used only for a discontinous function. What can I do if I have a discontinous data?
I'm trying to generate a list of solutions by changing two parameters as follows (T,x[1,a]): A:=0.2:Q:=273.15: > J:=10: > K:=283.15: > U:=0.4: > V:=0.1: > W:=0.8: > N:=(K-Q)/J+1: > M:=(W-U)/V+1: > data:=[]: > List:=[]: > forget(fsolve); > for T from Q by J to K do > eq[1]:=x[1,a]*alpha[1,a]=x[1,b]*alpha[1,b]: > eq[2]:=x[2,a]*alpha[2,a]=x[2,b]*alpha[2,b]:
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