
2355 Reputation

13 Badges

20 years, 132 days
Draeger Medical Systems, Inc.



Georgios Kokovidis
Dräger Medical

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by gkokovidis

Here is an example. First define your functions. I am using x^2 and x^3 just for illustration. Then create a sequence that will be used by the functions. Finally, use writedata to write the data to an external file. In the code below, on a WinXP system, the data is written to the C:\temp directory as a text file called data.txt that can be opened with notepad or any text editor. The last line will write the same data to the screen inside the Maple session. >f:=x->x^2; >g:=x->x^3; >xternaldata:=[seq([i,f(i),g(i)],i=1..10)]; >writedata(`c:\\temp\\data.txt`,xternaldata); >writedata(terminal,xternaldata); Regards, Georgios Kokovidis Dräger Medical
with(plots): plot(Pi*(sqrt(4-(x^2))) / ((x^2)+4),x=-2..2); First observation is the use of a small pi. You must use capital Pi instead. The lower case version does not evaluate to a numeric value in Maple. Second part requires a range variable for the function that you are plotting. x=-2..2 in this case. Change it to see how your plot changes. Type ?plot for more help. Regards, Georgios Kokovidis Dräger Medical
Below is one way of doing this. I'm sure there are many more. >restart: >with(Student[Calculus1]): >ApproximateInt(5-x^2, x=1..2, method = trapezoid, output = plot, partition = 60, thickness=2,color=brown); By changing the value of partition= you can alter how the shaded region is displayed. A small number will give you vertical lines and a big number will shade in the region to make it look solid. The thickness and color options affect the original 5-x^2 fuction curve display. Change these to see what happens. Regards, Georgios Kokovidis Dräger Medical
>f := x -> piecewise(x<-1,2-x,x>=-1 and x<=1,x,x>1,2*x+1); >f(x); >plot(f(x),x=-10..10,discont=true); "discont=true" command is to be used when the function is undefined at one or more values over which it is being plotted. Otherwise Maple might try to connect the lines. Regards, Georgios Kokovidis Dräger Medical
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