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20 years, 132 days
Draeger Medical Systems, Inc.



Georgios Kokovidis
Dräger Medical

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by gkokovidis

I was drawing a blank when it came to this.  ?select is definitely better for this task, and it has been disucssed here many times before. 



Georgios Kokovidis

Dräger Medical

I was drawing a blank when it came to this.  ?select is definitely better for this task, and it has been disucssed here many times before. 



Georgios Kokovidis

Dräger Medical

Take a look at your definition for U[1, 2].  Did your finger slip and hit the period instead of the comma?

U[1, 2] := A[1, 2]/L[1.1]; is what you have

U[1, 2] := A[1, 2]/L[1,1]; is what I tried.

This yields the following:

crout(A, 3);
                         [ 1    0   0]
                         [           ]
                         [-2    9   0]
                         [           ]
                         [         68]
                         [ 0  -11  --]
                         [         9 ]

I did not verify the answer.  Only the error message.


Georgios Kokovidis

Dräger Medical

I neglected the multiplication sign after the 25 on the right hand side.  That was my mistake.  I meant it the way Preben wrote it.  My appologies to the OP for any confusion.



I neglected the multiplication sign after the 25 on the right hand side.  That was my mistake.  I meant it the way Preben wrote it.  My appologies to the OP for any confusion.



I agree with Alec in saying that there are many, many people who participate here @ Mapleprimes where English is NOT their native language (including myself), but who use it as a universal means of communicating with others.



Georgios Kokovidis

Dräger Medical

You can cut and paste the above commands into Maple and execute them by clicking on the 3 exclamation marks in the toolbar.  You can edit the commands in a text editor or edit them in Maple directly so that the equations look like your own.  There are many exaples in the user guide.  Start there for the basics if this is your first time using Maple.

You can cut and paste the above commands into Maple and execute them by clicking on the 3 exclamation marks in the toolbar.  You can edit the commands in a text editor or edit them in Maple directly so that the equations look like your own.  There are many exaples in the user guide.  Start there for the basics if this is your first time using Maple.

Thank you.



Hello John.  Nice work.  Could you provide links for the files below that are used in your worksheet?

MontrealWL.txt and TorontoWL.txt



Georgios Kokovidis

Thank you for catching this.  With the limited range of -1..1, -1..1, I did not see any strange behavior in the generated .txt file.  With the larger range, I do indeed see this.  Definately something to look out for in my current worksheets.


Thank you for catching this.  With the limited range of -1..1, -1..1, I did not see any strange behavior in the generated .txt file.  With the larger range, I do indeed see this.  Definately something to look out for in my current worksheets.


This is a display issue that crops up in Mapleprimes.  The sentence is complete.  If you put your cursor at the beginning and highlight the whole sentence, you can copy  and paste it.  This is what it looks like:

plots[implicitplot](eval(ineq, z=x+I*y), x = -10 .. 10, y = -10 .. 10, gridrefine=3, filled=true);



This is a display issue that crops up in Mapleprimes.  The sentence is complete.  If you put your cursor at the beginning and highlight the whole sentence, you can copy  and paste it.  This is what it looks like:

plots[implicitplot](eval(ineq, z=x+I*y), x = -10 .. 10, y = -10 .. 10, gridrefine=3, filled=true);



You must be referring to the student version of Matlab, which comes with Simulink.  The professional version of Matlab does NOT come with Simulink, or any other toolbox for that matter.  Maple has many more bundled products (toolboxes) built in that you have to pay extra for if you use Matlab.  Again, this is for the professioanl version, not the student version.  My $0.02 on this.


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