
2355 Reputation

13 Badges

20 years, 105 days
Draeger Medical Systems, Inc.



Georgios Kokovidis
Dräger Medical

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by gkokovidis

Thank you for the worksheet and the images, Samir.  Squinting has the safe effect as moving further way (if you're lazy like I am and can't be bothered with getting off of the chair to step back and view the image from afar).


Georgios Kokovidis

@Vasanth kumar Navigate to the link, and scroll to the bottom.  Open the file 

Execute in your Maple session.


@Elisha All 3 are displayed, but two of them are pretty close to each other, and one covers the other one, so it gives you the impression that only two are visible.

I am away from my Maple installation at the moment.  Look at the help file for the plot command ?plot, and see if you can alter the thickness of the lines to convince yourself that all 3 lines are present.




@Elisha There is a space after your command with(plots).  Your worksheet start like this:  with (plots), but it should be with(plots), just like I posted. 

Because you are using 2D input, Maple sees the space as a multiplication sign.  I recommend using 1D input to avoid these types of problems.

Open my original worksheet, and modify that, and re-execute, using the 3 !!! marks at the top of the Maple toolbar.

@Elisha As I mentioned, the data file is on My desktop, not yours.  You have to modify the path, so the file can be found.  If it does not exit, then create it.  I copied your data from your post, and pasted it into a text editor, and saved it.  

The other option you have is to open the worksheet that I uploaded, and save it.  The you can cut the data from the worksheet, and use it as is.  See below.  


Data := [[.1, 0.769540597e-1, .1477783335, .1393069312, 0.763361154e-1, .1477867626, .1393072151, 0.763361266e-1, .1477867830, .1393071934], [.3, .1093424148, .1120401102, .1509302274, .1072278404, .1121142033, .1509369166, .1072278479, .1121142168, .1509369024], [.5, .1392030568, 0.853083077e-1, .1558066181, .1353291378, 0.855066806e-1, .1558355785, .1353291558, 0.8550671332e-1, .1558355439], [.7, .1662374563, 0.652194693e-1, .1562235596, .1604342222, 0.655908735e-1, .1562974878, .1604342352, 0.6559089617e-1, .1562974637], [.9, .1903821623, 0.500537619e-1, .1537887672, .1825594352, 0.506356391e-1, .1539346707, .1825594528, 0.5063567192e-1, .1539346352], [1.1, .2117168860, 0.385555127e-1, .1496220815, .2018541863, 0.393727175e-1, .1498707561, .2018542024, 0.3937274753e-1, .1498707234], [1.3, .2303874000, 0.298096396e-1, .1444864012, .2185409755, 0.308687065e-1, .1448804021, .2185409880, 0.3086872986e-1, .1448803765], [1.5, .2465077820, 0.231661161e-1, .1388614678, .2328759081, 0.244336214e-1, .1394893808, .2328759200, 0.2443364533e-1, .1394893543]];

[[.1, 0.769540597e-1, .1477783335, .1393069312, 0.763361154e-1, .1477867626, .1393072151, 0.763361266e-1, .1477867830, .1393071934], [.3, .1093424148, .1120401102, .1509302274, .1072278404, .1121142033, .1509369166, .1072278479, .1121142168, .1509369024], [.5, .1392030568, 0.853083077e-1, .1558066181, .1353291378, 0.855066806e-1, .1558355785, .1353291558, 0.8550671332e-1, .1558355439], [.7, .1662374563, 0.652194693e-1, .1562235596, .1604342222, 0.655908735e-1, .1562974878, .1604342352, 0.6559089617e-1, .1562974637], [.9, .1903821623, 0.500537619e-1, .1537887672, .1825594352, 0.506356391e-1, .1539346707, .1825594528, 0.5063567192e-1, .1539346352], [1.1, .2117168860, 0.385555127e-1, .1496220815, .2018541863, 0.393727175e-1, .1498707561, .2018542024, 0.3937274753e-1, .1498707234], [1.3, .2303874000, 0.298096396e-1, .1444864012, .2185409755, 0.308687065e-1, .1448804021, .2185409880, 0.3086872986e-1, .1448803765], [1.5, .2465077820, 0.231661161e-1, .1388614678, .2328759081, 0.244336214e-1, .1394893808, .2328759200, 0.2443364533e-1, .1394893543]]



[.1, .3, .5, .7, .9, 1.1, 1.3, 1.5]



[0.769540597e-1, .1093424148, .1392030568, .1662374563, .1903821623, .2117168860, .2303874000, .2465077820]



[.1477783335, .1120401102, 0.853083077e-1, 0.652194693e-1, 0.500537619e-1, 0.385555127e-1, 0.298096396e-1, 0.231661161e-1]



[.1393069312, .1509302274, .1558066181, .1562235596, .1537887672, .1496220815, .1444864012, .1388614678]







Download dataIO_Column2.mw

@n11n11 Upload your worksheet, using the Green arrow, not a picture of your worksheet.

There is a worksheet at the Maplesoft site, here, that solves teh optimal control problem using

Pontryagin's principle.  It was created with an earlier version of Maple (9.5), so there might be

some incompatibilites with newer versions.



Are you using 1-D or 2-D input?  The code snippet below is consistent.  How are you defining your index?


>Sum(beta[i], i = 0 .. 2)=sum(beta[i], i = 0 .. 2);





I am equally confused right now, especially with 'C1 and C2'.  Where do those come from?  What class are you taking, and what section of your text is this problem from?

@MrBennet   If you know what the impulse response is, which you do, and can plot it using the plot command, then you should be all set, over the range of interest, t=-6..16.

Don't forget that the Impulse Response of your circuit, or system, or anything that reduces to your transfer function being 1/(s+1), without initial conditions, implies that everything prior to t=0, is zero.  

Another way to derive the impulse response, is to take the inverse Laplace transform of the transfer function, and then plot it, over your range.  






tf := piecewise(0 < t, exp(-t), 0)





Download tf.mw

Hope this helps.




@Markiyan Hirnyk  Hello Markiyan.  John created a post.  You replied (in your usaul manner).  You made 2 statements.  One about how you liked his previous posts, because they were about real things, and another, about how you didn't understand the aim of the current post.  Where exactly did you make a request where you were expecting a reply?  I missed that part.




@Markiyan Hirnyk I can't comment on weather or not this is it.  I only provided a missing link (I tried to follow the op's link, and it did not work).

The op can reply as to whether or not this link to the table of values is the one that was implied.  The formula in the worksheet that vv supplied matches the values of Z to L(Z).  Again, up to the original poster to determine whether or not this was what they were looking for.  



@Kitonum Thanks for the explanation.  I completely missed the common factor in the numerator and denominator of the first expression.


Try replacing algsubs command with subs command, and see if the results are what you expect.  Worked for me with Maple 15 64-bit, Windows 7 platform.



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