
2355 Reputation

13 Badges

20 years, 132 days
Draeger Medical Systems, Inc.



Georgios Kokovidis
Dräger Medical

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by gkokovidis

Your first Matrix was not singular.  When you ask, "Is it singular too?", what do you mean? 

The second Matrix is singular, because the determinant is 0.  Can you show your code, and the version of Maple that you are using to determine the inverse?



Georgios Kokovidis

Dräger Medical

What if you ?unassign your variables, instead of executing a ?restart.  That way, all of your previous results will not get lost.



Georgios Kokovidis

Dräger Medical

What if you ?unassign your variables, instead of executing a ?restart.  That way, all of your previous results will not get lost.



Georgios Kokovidis

Dräger Medical

How are you using ?plottools[getdata.? Can you post your code that generated the error message?  This link has an example.  Are you doing it the same way?



Georgios Kokovidis

Dräger Medical

Your code, as shown, gives other errors, besides what you mention.  In order to recreate your error, you have to upload your worksheet using the Green uparrow.

This is what it looks like in Maple 15:





p[0] := 1:


tr := 4:







mpoint := proc(x)


local force, tr:


tr := x*T[n]:


force := piecewise(tau


maximize(int(force*sin(omega[n]*(t-tau))/(m*omega[n]), tau = 0 .. t), t = tr+.1 .. dur) :


end proc:


ball := proc (x, y)

pointplot([x, y], color = blue, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 40):

end proc:


Error, missing operator or `;`


Download code_error.mw



Georgios Kokovidis

Dräger Medical

Your code, as shown, gives other errors, besides what you mention.  In order to recreate your error, you have to upload your worksheet using the Green uparrow.

This is what it looks like in Maple 15:





p[0] := 1:


tr := 4:







mpoint := proc(x)


local force, tr:


tr := x*T[n]:


force := piecewise(tau


maximize(int(force*sin(omega[n]*(t-tau))/(m*omega[n]), tau = 0 .. t), t = tr+.1 .. dur) :


end proc:


ball := proc (x, y)

pointplot([x, y], color = blue, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 40):

end proc:


Error, missing operator or `;`


Download code_error.mw



Georgios Kokovidis

Dräger Medical

The range that is visible on the last line makes them look different.  You can change that as follows:

but, that will impact the way it looks when you run the animation.



Georgios Kokovidis

Dräger Medical

The range that is visible on the last line makes them look different.  You can change that as follows:

but, that will impact the way it looks when you run the animation.



Georgios Kokovidis

Dräger Medical

This is a version specific bug.   The code above works in Maple 9.5 and in Maple 15.  I don't have v13, so I can't verify your error.

Can you try this to see if it works?

plots:-animate(plot3d, [P, x = -5 .. 5, y = -5 .. 5, orientation = [-47, A, -47]], convert(A=-360..360,rational));


Georgios Kokovidis

Dräger Medical

This is a version specific bug.   The code above works in Maple 9.5 and in Maple 15.  I don't have v13, so I can't verify your error.

Can you try this to see if it works?

plots:-animate(plot3d, [P, x = -5 .. 5, y = -5 .. 5, orientation = [-47, A, -47]], convert(A=-360..360,rational));


Georgios Kokovidis

Dräger Medical

Not natively, but according to this, it should be possible.  The Maplesoft site only lists Win32 and Linux32 as supported platforms for Classic interface.

This page states:  Classic Worksheet is not available on this platform.


Georgios Kokovidis

Dräger Medical

Not natively, but according to this, it should be possible.  The Maplesoft site only lists Win32 and Linux32 as supported platforms for Classic interface.

This page states:  Classic Worksheet is not available on this platform.


Georgios Kokovidis

Dräger Medical

By right clickingon the image, and selecting View Image Info, I obtained the following:

EQN := 5.915635290*10^18905*n*(ln((.1974600000*(4.137221948*10^9-3.187977881*10^9*n+3.579712132*10^9*n*taum+2.049414400*10^9*n*taut-5.560674900*10^9*taum-5.560674900*10^9*taut))/(-2.065539727*10^9*n+2.333329620*10^9*n*taum+1.372164917*10^9*n*taut+2.519530558*10^9-3.492604298*10^9*taum-3.723094273*10^9*taut))/((5.012372749*10^6989-1.379404981*10^6989*n)^(7447/10000)*taum))^(10000/2753)-319.9820565*ln((19746.*(4.137221948*10^11-3.187977881*10^11*n+3.579712132*10^11*n*taum+2.049414400*10^11*n*taut-5.560674900*10^11*taum-5.560674900*10^11*taut))/(-2.065539727*10^16*n+2.333329620*10^16*n*taum+1.372164917*10^16*n*taut+2.519530558*10^16-3.492604298*10^16*taum-3.723094273*10^16*taut))/taum = 0

The first exponent looks incorrect 10^18905.  That's as far as I got.  An upload of the worksheet would be a better option.


Georgios Kokovidis

Dräger Medical

I noticed this is some of the other worksheets that I commented on.  On the attached worksheet above, the cultprit seems to be å/Å (a-ring).  I do not think this is a coincidence.  It looks like a language specific bug when saving worksheets with output.


Georgios Kokovidis

Dräger Medical

I noticed this is some of the other worksheets that I commented on.  On the attached worksheet above, the cultprit seems to be å/Å (a-ring).  I do not think this is a coincidence.  It looks like a language specific bug when saving worksheets with output.


Georgios Kokovidis

Dräger Medical

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