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These are answers submitted by gulliet

You could try the Settings command from the Typesetting package. See help("Typesetting,Settings") and have a look at the option dot: dot = name Specifies the variable to which prime derivatives correspond. By default this value is t. As with the usedot option, the effect of this option is identical to that of prime for prime derivatives. Regards, --Jean-Marc
Some packages contain bibliographies. For instance, thy help("references") or help("numericrefs"), both are good starting points. 97_references.jpg Regards, --Jean-Marc
See help("pade,numapprox");
> with(numapprox);

[chebdeg, chebmult, chebpade, chebsort, chebyshev,
confracform, hermite_pade, hornerform, infnorm, laurent, 
minimax, pade, remez]

> pade(tan(x), x, 5);

                                  1  3   2   5
                              x + - x  + -- x 
                                  3      15   

Regards, --Jean-Marc
Have a look at the geom3d Package. See help("geom3d"). [edited] Here is an example:
point(A, -1, -1, -1); point(B, 2, 0, 2); 
point(a, 0, 0, 0); point(b, 1, 1, 1); point(c, 1, 0, 2); 
segment(AB, [A, B]); 
triangle(T, [a, b, c]); 
draw([AB, T]);
97_intersectionlinetriangle.jpg Regards, --Jean-Marc
The package ImageTools contains many function to load and work on images, and extract specific peace of information. See help("ImageTools"): Description The ImageTools package implements a number of image processing functions. Within this package, image data is represented as dense rectangular Arrays of 64-bit hardware floating point numbers. Grayscale and color images can be represented; see ImageTools[ImageTypes] for descriptions of the types and data structures. See the applications,ImageProcessing worksheet for a demonstration of the ImageTools package. Regards, --Jean-Marc
This should do what you are looking for. 2. Is there a maple function (like Yield_Exponent(r4s7t e-αr-βs,r);) that can take a mathematical function as input and give the exponent on one of the variables as it's output? See help("degree") for detail info. Regards, --Jean-Marc
I realize that the Maple's package called Matlab can be of interest if you are looking to translate some code from Matlab to Maple syntax. From the online help, "The Matlab package also contains commands that translate Matlab code into Maple. Refer to Matlab[FromMatlab], Matlab[FromMFile] and Matlab[AddTranslator]. These translation commands are entirely built within Maple and do not require Matlab to execute. The rest of this help page is not relevant to the translation commands." See help("Matlab") for more info. Regards, --Jean-Marc
For questions about Matlab, you will get certainly more responses to your queries if you ask them on the Matlab forum (click on the link or copy and past in your web browser). Regards, --Jean-Marc
Is this what you are looking for?
> {seq(coeff(Q, lambda, n), n = 1 .. 8)};

    {f[1, 0] + 1, f[1, 1] + 1 + 2 f[0, 2], f[1, 1] + f[2, 0] + f[0, 2], 

      f[2, 1] + f[3, 0] + 1 + f[0, 3] + f[1, 2], 

      1 + 2 f[1, 2] + 3 f[0, 2] + 3 f[0, 3] + f[1, 1] + f[2, 1], 

      4 f[0, 2] + 3 f[1, 2] + 6 f[0, 3] + f[1, 1] + f[2, 1] + 1, 

      f[1, 1] + f[2, 1] + 1 + 2 f[0, 2] + 3 f[0, 3] + 2 f[1, 2], 

      4 f[1, 2] + f[1, 1] + 1 + 9 f[0, 3] + f[2, 1] + 5 f[0, 2]}

> solve(%);

        {f[0, 2] = 0, f[0, 3] = f[0, 3], f[1, 0] = -1, f[1, 1] = -1, 

          f[1, 2] = -3 f[0, 3], f[2, 0] = 1, f[2, 1] = 3 f[0, 3], 

          f[3, 0] = -f[0, 3] - 1}

Regards, --Jean-Marc
Assuming I have correctly understood the problem, setting a value for d should do want you are looking for. For instance,
> add(add(f[m-k, k], k = 0 .. m), m = 1 .. 3);

f[1, 0] + f[0, 1] + f[2, 0] + f[1, 1] + f[0, 2] + f[3, 0] + f[2, 1] + f[1, 2]

   + f[0, 3]

Regards, --Jean-Marc
Since you have three variables, you should use implicitplot3d to visualize the solution set (do not forget that one can manipulate the resulting plot with the mouse).
f := x+y+z = 1; 
g := 3*x+2*y-z = 5; 
h := x*y+7*z^3 = 0; 
plots[implicitplot3d]([f, g, h], x = -2 .. 2, y = -2 .. 2, z = -2 .. 2)
97_implicitplot3d.jpg Regards, --Jean-Marc
As a rule of thumb, when dealing with systems of non-polynomial equations it is usually better to use fsolve (.e. the numeric solver rather than the symbolic solver). For instance,
eqn1 := x^2+y^2 = 9;
eqn2 := x^3+y^3-sin(x*y) = 7;
fsolve({eqn1, eqn2});

                                      2    2    
                             eqn1 := x  + y  = 9
                                3    3               
                       eqn2 := x  + y  - sin(x y) = 7
                     {x = 2.397789234, y = -1.802943923}
Regards, --Jean-Marc
Indeed, tt looks like the partnership between Mathworks and Maplesoft has ended. Arguably, one can "blame" MapleSim for that since it is a direct competitor to Simulink, Mathworks's flagship product for computer simulations. Before the making of MapleSim, both companies completed well each other in terms of product lines (symbolic computation for Maplesoft, numeric computations and software simulation for Mathworks) and were not direct competitors. Just my two cents! Regards, --Jean-Marc
In addition to what Thomas suggested, you could increase the number of sampled points from 50 ---the default--- to 200, say.
plot(arccos(cos(x)), x, sample = [seq(k*Pi, k = -4 .. 4)]);
plot(arccos(cos(x)), x, numpoints = 200);
97_plotarccosnumpoints.jpeg Regards, --Jean-Marc
I believe the function polyhedraplot, from the package plots, should do what you are looking for. See
for details and examples. Regards, --Jean-Marc
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