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These are replies submitted by guras

@acer Sorry for not being clear. Can we solve such an algebraic equation under the restriction that l[1] just depends on k[1] and a[1], l[2] just depends on k[2] and a[1], l[3] just depends on k[3] and a[1]? I mean is there such a comment;


Hopefully, now my question is more clear.

Thank you for your response.


@ecterrab "Solve" does not work in Maple 13 but it works in Maple 15. Thank you very much.  


Thanks for your nice answer. What if we have a system of equations like



How can we solve this system? I tried many versions of the command solve('identity'(Eq, x)); both with Eq1 and Eq2, but 

it was useless. Thank you in advance.


@vv Of course not. They are the solutions of a pde and I need to determine whether they are singular or not. Since they are really complicated it is hard to determine this.

@Markiyan Hirnyk  

I used your comments on another example. When I use


I have a warning "Warning, complex or non-numeric value encountered; trying to find a feasible point" with an answer. Here the question is that if we do not have HFloat(\infty) as a result to above command, can we say that the function is continuous? Can we rely on the answer?

Best Regards,






@Markiyan Hirnyk 

Specifically,  I am dealing with the following function: 


The graph of the function seems that it is not discontinuous. I followed your commands. But I could not be sure about the result. 

Thank you.



  Sorry that I am not so clear. I want to find conditions solving the equation: In the conditions a[1],b[1],c[1], and d[1] must be related to each other and a[2], b[2],c[2], and d[2] must be related to each other. For instance, conditions like  b[1]=alpha*a[1]^6, b[2]=alpha*a[2]^6, c[1]=beta*a[1]^4+gamma*d[1], c[2]=beta*a[2]^4+gamma*d[2]; alpha, beta, gamma will be determined. I am trying to find such conditions on the parameters a[i], b[i], c[i], d[i] with such restriction that I explained. I hope this explanation makes sense.



  More specifically,

I want to solve the following equation:


with the relations between (a[1],b[1],c[1],d[1]) and (a[2],b[2],c[2],d[2]).

@Markiyan Hirnyk I need a portion of a huge output. So I just want to copy the part of the output that I need, then paste it as input. Maybe there is a problem about the program I installed. Thanks for the answer. 

@Rouben Rostamian  thank you so much for the answer. The functions that I am working are messy, so I did not give them in my question. One of the functions is the following;

f := rho -> 3/2-1/2*cosh(2*rho);
h := rho -> ((3/2-1/2*cosh(2*rho)-2)*(3/2-1/2*cosh(2*rho)-3)*(3/2-1/2*cosh(2*rho)-4))^(-1/2);
v := unapply(Int(h(s), s=0..rho), rho);
plot([v(rho), f(rho), rho=0..3]);

I tried many intervals for rho to see the graph. But I could not get a result.  What do you suggest?



I am just trying to calculate the following integral; 


How wil I express that a[i] and b[i] are real?(t is also a real parameter)

Thanks for your quick answer. I see that I can use RootOf(something) in equations. Since it is important for my work, for the last time, I will ask again. Sorry for repetition. For instance, I found b=Rootof(_Z^6+...), which means there are 6 roots i.e. 6 values for b. I inserted b=Rootof(_Z^6+...) without calculating the roots explicitly(because I had huge expressions for b) into, for instance, ac+b=0. I saw that this equality satisfied automatically. So this means for each values of b, equation ac+b=0 is satisfied even I did not write the values of b explicitly. Am I correct?


Thanks for your quick answer. I see that I can use RootOf(something) in equations. Since it is important for my work, for the last time, I will ask again. Sorry for repetition. For instance, I found b=Rootof(_Z^6+...), which means there are 6 roots i.e. 6 values for b. I inserted b=Rootof(_Z^6+...) without calculating the roots explicitly(because I had huge expressions for b) into, for instance, ac+b=0. I saw that this equality satisfied automatically. So this means for each values of b, equation ac+b=0 is satisfied even I did not write the values of b explicitly. Am I correct?



The exact link is the following. By the way, I indeed tried to contact to authors but I did not get any message for now. And I thought maybe there is a unique way of installing a package in Maple 14.

Manuscript Title: [SADE] A Maple package for the Symmetry Analysis of Differential Equations
Authors: Tarcísio M. Rocha Filho, Annibal Figueiredo
Program title: SADE
Catalogue identifier: AEHL_v1_0
Distribution format: tar.gz
Journal reference: Comput. Phys. Commun. 182(2011)467
Programming language: MAPLE 13 and MAPLE 14.
Computer: PCs and workstations.
Operating system: UNIX/LINUX systems and WINDOWS.
Keywords: symmetry transformations, invariant solutions, first integrals, nöther theorem.
PACS: 02.70.Wz, 11.30.-j, 02.30.Jr.
Classification: 4.3.

Nature of problem:
Determination of analytical properties of systems of differential equations, including symmetry transformations, analytical solutions and conservation laws.

Solution method:
The package implements in MAPLE some algorithms (discussed in the text) for the study of systems of differential equations.

Depends strongly on the system and on the algorithm required. Typical restrictions are related to the solution of a large over-determined system of linear or non-linear differential equations.

Running time:
Depends strongly on the order, the complexity of the differential system and the object computed. Ranges from seconds to hours.
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