
15 Reputation

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8 years, 1 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by hamed12

Hi, i want to investigate  chaos for the problem , cantilever beam under random narro band excitation, but the code has errors .the code is this:

      restart:with(plots):      h:=1: Omega:=(0..376):alpha1:=617.2:alpha2:=1.02*10^(8): c:=.002:k:=18.4:  step:=0.1:imax:=376:  for i from 0 to imax do;  Omega[i]:=i*step:   f:=evalf(solve({((-a*Omega[i]^(2)+alpha1*a+3/(4)*alpha2*a^(3)+1/(4)*k*Omega[i]^(2)*a^(3)-(3)/(4)*k*Omega[i]^(2)*a^(3))^(2)+(c*Omega[i]*a^())^(2))=h^(2),a>0}));  ff[i]:=((rhs(f[1]))^(2))/(2):  end do:   l1:=[[Omega[n],ff[n]] $n=0..imax]:  p1:=plot(l1, x=0..3,y=0..1,  style=point,symbol=solidcircle,symbolsize=4,color=red):    jmax:=914: f1:=array(377..914):f2:=array(377..914):f3:=array(377..914):Omega1:=array(377..914):  for j from 377to jmax do;  Omega1[j]:=j*step:   fff:=evalf(solve({((-a*Omega1[j]^(2)+alpha1*a+3/(4)*alpha2*a^(3)+1/(4)*k*Omega1[j]^(2)*a^(3)-(3)/(4)*k*Omega1[j]^(2)*a^(3))^(2)+(c*Omega1[j]*a^())^(2))=h^(2),a>0}));  f1[j]:=((rhs(fff[1,1]))^(2))/(2):f2[j]:=((rhs(fff[2,1]))^(2))/(2):f3[j]:=((rhs(fff[3,1]))^(2))/(2):  end do:   ll1:=[[Omega1[n],f1[n]] $n=377..jmax]:  pp1:=plot(ll1, x=0..10,y=0..1,  style=point,symbol=solidcircle,symbolsize=4,color=red):    ll2:=[[Omega1[n],f2[n]] $n=377..jmax]:  pp2:=plot(ll2, x=0..10,y=0..1,  style=point,symbol=solidcircle,symbolsize=4,color=red):    ll3:=[[Omega1[n],f3[n]] $n=377..jmax]:  pp3:=plot(ll3, x=0..15,y=0..1,  style=point,symbol=solidcircle,symbolsize=4,color=red):       plot({  seq(seq(p1), seq(seq(pp1),seq(seq(pp2),seq(seq(pp3))  },style=point,title=`Pitchfork Diagram`);  Thanks for your help

restart; with(plots, implicitplot);
print(`output redirected...`); # input placeholder
p; .2; omega[0] := 1; epsilon[1] := 1.04493; epsilon[2] := .93259; delta := 0.2e-1;
eq := [[omega[0]*a-a*Omega^2+(3/4)*epsilon[2]*a^3]^2+(delta*Omega*a)^2 = p^2];
print(`output redirected...`); # input placeholder
implicitplot(eq, omega = .5 .. 2, a = 0 .. 5, p = 0 .. 1, color = blue, thickness = 2, gridrefin = 6);
Error, (in plots/implicitplot) invalid input: the following extra unknowns were found in the input expression: {Omega, p}

with(plots); with(DEtools);
`ε` := .1;
de1 := x[0](t)+`ε`*x[1](t);
ode2 := sin(t)-`ε`*t*sin(t);
MODEL := {ode1, ode2};
VARS := {x(t), y(t)};
DOMAIN := t = 0 .. 20;
RANGE := x = -3 .. 3, y = -3 .. 3; COLORS := [BLACK, BLUE];
IC1 := [x[0](0) = 0, x[1](0) = 0]; IC2 := [(D(x[0]))(0) = 1, (D(x[1]))(0) = 0];
DEplot(MODEL, VARS, DOMAIN, RANGE, [IC1, IC2], stepsize = .1, arrows = THIN, linecolor = COLORS);
Error, (in DEtools/DEplot/CheckInitial) the 'number' option must be specified before initial conditions

Hi, My Error is this:

DEtools; DEplot(MODEL, VARS, DOMAIN, RANGE, [IC1, IC2], stepsize = .1, arrows = THIN, linecolor = COLORS);
Error, (in DEtools/DEplot) invalid range for independent variablehow can i remove error?

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