
Mr. Hermes Rozsa Iglesias

1038 Reputation

13 Badges

19 years, 241 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by herclau


I link a Maple document:



@Markiyan Hirnyk 

I would like to play the applet that is within the zip file in Maple.
Or find the procedure that allows me to perform a given experiment with alpha and beta (type I and II) predefined using the least number of experimental data.



Robert Israel 

I got Error



Error, (in Matrix) invalid subscript selector

Matrix(8,8, (i,j) -> piecewise(i-j mod n = 1, -1/2, i-j mod n = n -1, 1/2, 0));




Two Examples

N := 500
t := Vector(N, i->evalf[4]((2*i-2)*Pi/N), datatype = float[8])
x := Vector(N, i-> cos(10*t[i])+I*sin(4*t[i])+ArrayTools[RandomArray](distribution = normal) , datatype = complex[8])
 rnd := n-> RandomVector(n, generator = (1/10)*rand(-2 .. 2));
 N := 500;
i := <$0 .. N-1>;
t := evalf(2*i*Pi/N);
y := evalf(`~`[cos](10.0*t)+I*`~`[sin](4.0*t));
y := y+rnd(Count(y));

These three options work satisfactorily. Pay attention to the spaces.

process[launch](cat("sndrec32.exe ", "/play /close ", currentdir(), "\\mywav.wav"));

ssystem(cat("sndrec32.exe ", "/play /close ", currentdir(), "\\mywav.wav"));

process[launch](cat("sndrec32.exe ", "/play ", `"`, currentdir(), "\\mywav.wav", `"`, " /close"));

 I deposited the application, Sndrec32.exe, in the folder where the files to play. Any suggestions?

this work good, it open , run and close the wav file.



This may help, but  I can not get the SYNTAX IN MAPLE

(SNDREC32.exe /PLAY "C:\Path\File.wav" /CLOSE)


Shift zero-frequency component to center of spectrum


another way to do it whit Maple




Thanks to the instructions of Markiyan Hirnyk, show you this instruction set to achieve the convolution with the help of the package AudioTools. This approach is very fast and handles large volumes of data.

v1 := Vector([1, 2, 1, 2], datatype = float[8]);
v2 := Vector([1, 3, 1, 2], datatype = float[8]);
s1 := [.8147, .9
s2 := [0.975e-1, .2785, .5469, .9575, .9649, .1576, .9706, .9572, .4854, .8003];
MatLab := `<,>`(0.795e-1, .3153, .7102, 1.3999, 2.0389, 1.7996, 2.2764, 3.1658, 2.1398, 2.1994, 2.2745, 1.1502, 1.0379, .5061);

aud := Create(v1);

  [1, 2, 1, 2]

Convolution(v1, v2)

  [1, 5, 8, 9, 11, 4, 4]

aud := Create(s1):

AudT := convert(Convolution(aud, convert(s2, Vector)), Vector[column]);

 <AudT | MatLab>;

What is the difference between v1 and aud delivered by Create?


convolution with AudioTools







How I can use the command AudioTools [Convolution] to run the above example?

Could I think of to use the command ImageTools [Convolution]?

Using package command DiscreteTransforms: FourierTransform and InverseFourierTransform:

 s1 := [1, 2, 1, 2]; s2 := [1, 3, 1, 2];

Digits := 15;
v1 := Vector(nops(s1)+nops(s2)-1, s1, fill = 0);

v2 := Vector(nops(s1)+nops(s2)-1, s2, fill = 0);

FourierTransform(v1, inplace = true, normalization = none);

FourierTransform(v2, inplace = true, normalization = none);

evalf[8]~(Re(InverseFourierTransform(v1*~ v2, normalization = full)));

[1, 5, 8, 9, 11, 4, 4]


s1 := [.8147, .9058, .1270, .9134, .6324]
s2 := [0.975e-1, .2785, .5469, .9575, .9649, .1576, .9706, .9572, .4854, .8003]

v1 := Vector(nops(s1)+nops(s2)-1, s1, fill = 0);

v2 := Vector(nops(s1)+nops(s2)-1, s2, fill = 0);

FourierTransform(v1, inplace = true, normalization = none);

FourierTransform(v2, inplace = true, normalization = none);

M:=evalf[8]~(Re(InverseFourierTransform(v1*~ v2, normalization = full)));

Matlab:=<0.795e-1, .3153, .7102, 1.3999, 2.0389, 1.7996, 2.2764, 3.1658, 2.1398, 2.1994, 2.2745, 1.1502, 1.0379, .5061>:








I ask for comments and critical eye to this implementation, since they are present the 10 Hz
How could validate these results?
What is the uncertainty in these results?

 map(with, [plots, DiscreteTransforms, AudioTools]);
audiofile := cat(currentdir(), "\\airconditioner.wav");

x := Read(audiofile);

 fs := attributes(x)[1];

Preview(x, method = nearest, color = [blue]);

 mono := ToMono(x);

Preview(mono, method = nearest, color = [blue]);

 bCall := Vector(mono);

 n := Statistics:-Count(bCall);

tb := Vector(n, proc (i) options operator, arrow; (i-1)/fs end proc);

plot(tb, bCall, style = line, color = blue, title = "airconditioner", labels = ["Time (seconds)", "Amplitude"], axes = box);

m := Statistics:-Count(bCall);
n := 2^ceil(log[2](m));
y := FourierTransform(bCall, normalization = none, padding = n-m)[2];

f := Vector(n, proc (i) options operator, arrow; (i-1)*fs/n end proc);

 p := y*~conjugate~(y)/n;  #Power of the DFT

 plot(f[1 .. floor((1/2)*n)], abs(p[1 .. floor((1/2)*n)]), view = [0 .. 400, DEFAULT], color = blue, style = line, title = "Component Frequencies of an airconditioner", labels = ["Frequency (Hz)", "power"], axes = box);

 plot(f[1 .. floor((1/2)*n)], abs(p[1 .. floor((1/2)*n)]), view = [0 .. 40, DEFAULT], color = blue, style = line, title = "Component Frequencies of an airconditioner", labels = ["Frequency (Hz)", "power"], axes = box);

Spectral Analysis of a airconditioner



I hope this document will be useful .. Solving Demodulation as an Optimization Problem

What makes this set of command lines is so inefficient:
1. By increasing n> 8 increases significantly in runtime and graphics.
2. the graphics do not have the resolution presented by the graphs displayed by Robert Israel.

> n := 2^7;
> M := Matrix(n, n, 1, datatype = float[8]);
> Ii := Vector(n, proc (i) options operator, arrow; i end proc, datatype = float[8]);
> x := Vector(n, proc (i) options operator, arrow; Ii[i]-(1/2)*n end proc);
> y := Vector(n, proc (i) options operator, arrow; (1/2)*n-Ii[i] end proc);
> X, Y := Matrix(n, n, proc (i, j) options operator, arrow; x[j] end proc), Matrix(n, n, proc (i, j) options operator, arrow; y[i] end proc);
> R := 10;
> A := `~`[`@`(evalb, `<=`)](`~`[`+`](`~`[`^`](X, 2), `~`[`^`](Y, 2)), R^2);
> M := `~`[evalhf](`~`[`and`](A, M));
> listdensityplot(M, smooth = true, axes = none);
> D1 := FourierTransform(M, normalization = none);
> D2 := ArrayTools[CircularShift](D1, (1/2)*n, (1/2)*n);
> listdensityplot(abs(D2), smooth = true, axes = none, colorstyle = HUE);
> D3 := `~`[log[2]](D2);
> listdensityplot(abs(D3), smooth = true, axes = none, colorstyle = HUE);




Brilliant Roberto:

Great, saving resources and commands.
What follows is the following code: 

D1 = fft2(M);
D2 = fftshift(D1);in Maple->ArrayTools[CircularShift](D1, (1/2)*n) o.k?

axis image
title('{\bf Diffraction Pattern}')

But what I was interested in obtaining the final matrix M.

What is the equivalent of maple instruction: "meshgrid (x, y)";


It will be possible to develop these plots starting from SVD, for example:



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