
Mr. Hermes Rozsa Iglesias

1038 Reputation

13 Badges

19 years, 242 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by herclau

m[t]*(1-rho[a]/rho[t]) = m[r]*(1-rho[a]/rho[r])+`&Deltaw`;

m[t] := m[ct]*(1-rho[0]/rho[c])/(1-rho[0]/rho[t]);
 m[r] := m[cr]*(1-rho[0]/rho[c])/(1-rho[0]/rho[r]);

I need to get

m[a] = m[a]*(1+C)+`&Deltaw`;
C = (rho[a]-rho[0])*(1/rho[t]-1/rho[r]); Developing m[t]*(1-rho[a]/rho[t]) = m[r]*(1-rho[a]/rho[r])+`&Deltaw`; I got /    rho[0]\ /    rho[a]\         /    rho[0]\ /    rho[a]\          
m[ct] |1 - ------| |1 - ------|   m[cr] |1 - ------| |1 - ------|          
      \    rho[c]/ \    rho[t]/         \    rho[c]/ \    rho[r]/          
------------------------------- = ------------------------------- + &Deltaw
              rho[0]                            rho[0]                     
          1 - ------                        1 - ------                     
              rho[t]                            rho[r]       isolate(m[ct]*(1-rho[0]/rho[c])*(1-rho[a]/rho[t])/(1-rho[0]/rho[t]) = m[cr]*(1-rho[0]/rho[c])*(1-rho[a]/rho[r])/(1-rho[0]/rho[r])+`Δw`, m[ct]);
              /      /    rho[0]\ /    rho[a]\           \            
              |m[cr] |1 - ------| |1 - ------|           |            
              |      \    rho[c]/ \    rho[r]/           | /    rho[0]\
              |------------------------------- + &Deltaw | |1 - ------|
              |              rho[0]                      | \    rho[t]/
              |          1 - ------                      |            
              \              rho[r]                      /            
      m[ct] = ---------------------------------------------------------
                              /    rho[0]\ /    rho[a]\               
                              |1 - ------| |1 - ------|               
                              \    rho[c]/ \    rho[t]/    simplify(m[ct] = (m[cr]*(1-rho[0]/rho[c])*(1-rho[a]/rho[r])/(1-rho[0]/rho[r])+`&Deltaw`)*(1-rho[0]/rho[t])/((1-rho[0]/rho[c])*(1-rho[a]/rho[t])), 'symbolic');                                      1                              
m[ct] = - -------------------------------------------------------- ((
          (-rho[r] + rho[0]) (-rho[c] + rho[0]) (-rho[t] + rho[a])  
-m[cr] rho[c] rho[r] + m[cr] rho[c] rho[a] + m[cr] rho[0] rho[r]
   - m[cr] rho[0] rho[a] - Δw rho[c] rho[r] + &Deltaw rho[c] rho[0]) (
-rho[t] + rho[0]))
rhs(m[ct] = -(-m[cr]*rho[c]*rho[r]+m[cr]*rho[c]*rho[a]+m[cr]*rho[0]*rho[r]-m[cr]*rho[0]*rho[a]-`&Deltaw`*rho[c]*rho[r]+`&Deltaw`*rho[c]*rho[0])*(-rho[t]+rho[0])/((-rho[r]+rho[0])*(-rho[c]+rho[0])*(-rho[t]+rho[a])))
- -------------------------------------------------------- ((
  (-rho[r] + rho[0]) (-rho[c] + rho[0]) (-rho[t] + rho[a])  
-m[cr] rho[c] rho[r] + m[cr] rho[c] rho[a] + m[cr] rho[0] rho[r]
   - m[cr] rho[0] rho[a] - Δw rho[c] rho[r] + Δw rho[c] rho[0]) (
-rho[t] + rho[0])) factor(-(-m[cr]*rho[c]*rho[r]+m[cr]*rho[c]*rho[a]+m[cr]*rho[0]*rho[r]-m[cr]*rho[0]*rho[a]-`&Deltaw`*rho[c]*rho[r]+`&Deltaw`*rho[c]*rho[0])*(-rho[t]+rho[0])/((-rho[r]+rho[0])*(-rho[c]+rho[0])*(-rho[t]+rho[a])));                             1                              
- -------------------------------------------------------- ((
  (-rho[r] + rho[0]) (-rho[c] + rho[0]) (-rho[t] + rho[a])  
-m[cr] rho[c] rho[r] + m[cr] rho[c] rho[a] + m[cr] rho[0] rho[r]
   - m[cr] rho[0] rho[a] - &Deltaw rho[c] rho[r] + &Deltaw rho[c] rho[0]) (
-rho[t] + rho[0])) My attempts using other functions of maple without unsuccessful.
Any suggestions? Gracias HerClau


Brief comment:

 that picture let us now see the impact on behavior of phase  trajectories of a conservative system of linear friction. And then if the friction is sufficiently small, ie, the possible oscillation of the pendulum about the equilibrium, then can show that the phase trajectories are such as schematically shown in Fig. If friction does not allow any of the pendulum about the situation equilibrium, the picture of the phase trajectories will be another.

 we can see that the seat remained saddles (we consider only a sufficiently small neighborhood of singular points), but in the neighborhood of points (± 2Pi m, 0),where m = 0, 1,2. . Closed phase trajectories low friction shove in a spiral, and with a strong friction in the trajectory, which "includes" in the singular points in the set certain directions. In the case of spirals come to a special point of focus, in which case the singular point nazy -called a node.
The singular point of two-dimensional autonomous differential equation called the focus, if there is a neighborhood of this point,completely filled disjoint phase trajectories, trajectories similar to spirals, which are "wound" at singular point or when t -> + a  or at t ->a. which each of the phase trajectory behaves like branch of the parabola or a half-line, adjacent to the study point in a certain direction.


Thank you,
In this way try to find the parameters and initial conditions to achieve
the graph. http://www.mapleprimes.com/files/9494_PIC%2055.jpg

Something like a trial and error.

There are mechanism more analytical, more mathematical?




Thanks Jakubi,
What is not clear, how to take the initial conditions to achieve the chart shown.


How can I use the Explore to analyze the graph DEplots obtained by varying the parameters c, k and the initial conditions?

diff(x(t), t, t)+c*(diff(x(t), t))+k*sin(x(t)) = 0;

Is it possible?




Thank you very much Robert Israel, this has been of much help.



Hi Doug:

Following your instructions I have made some progress:

" I'm using worksheets in the Standard interface, with 1D input. The only editing I do in MaplePrimes is to change the format from Normal to Formatted."The problem is as follows:
When I copy from Maple to MaplePrimes, the content does not paste to it.
To achieve this I had to use notepad.



What is the problem? Is this usual?

How I tell the system that I want to delete a certain part of the comment? And how to label the part to remove?


I share the worksheet, which presents problems with the conversion of units, and problems with the solve command.

Dear Colleagues:

Printed the suggestion, I read and print the help, guidance found in:

I tried to implement at some reviews, and can not find the most viable and easy to share and evacuate my doubts.

These 82 comments were with much work and effort, I think for you guys too.
  At this time, urges me to know: how to edit or delete a comment already posted?

Impatient to their orientation, suggestions and comments.
Some pictures I saw them public as follows:
pictures post
It is a configuration problem of IE? How to solve it?
Grateful and sorry for my, nothing presentable, comments.
Hello Colleagues, This is extensive. I thought it would be easier to finish.
Solve with units

There is way to solve this problem or do I work without units?
Help Me
How to delete or edit a post that did not go as expected?

Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Maple EquationMaple Equation

Maple Equation

Caf© 1

Maple Equation




Maple Equation


Maple Equation




Maple Equation


Maple Equation




Maple Equation





Maple Equation


Maple Equation

Maple Equation




Maple Equation



Maple Equation




Maple Equation





Maple Equation


Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Maple Equation




Maple Equation


Maple Equation




Maple Equation


Caf© 2

Maple Equation




Maple Equation


Maple Equation




Maple Equation


Maple Equation




Maple Equation








Maple Equation




Maple Equation


Maple Equation

Maple Equation


Crema de leche






Maple EquationMaple Equation





Maple EquationMaple Equation





Maple EquationMaple Equation





Maple EquationMaple Equation





Maple EquationMaple Equation





Maple EquationMaple Equation








Maple EquationMaple Equation





Maple EquationMaple Equation





Maple EquationMaple Equation





Maple EquationMaple Equation




Maple Equation




Maple Equation





Maple Equation




Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Maple Equation

Maple Equation


Maple Equation


Maple Equation




Maple Plot





Maple Equation

This post was generated using the MaplePrimes File Manager

View 9494_Cafe Units2.mw on MapleNet or Download 9494_Cafe Units2.mw
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How to understand this result? Where is the error? The Café had a temperature of 80 ° C. and environmental temperature is 20 ° C.
How he reached about 67 K?
combine(Ca(Units[Standard][`*`](2, Unit('s'))), 'units');
Units[Standard][`*`](67.69129342, Unit('K'))
convert(combine(67.69129342*Unit('K'), 'units'), 'units', degC)
Units[Standard][`*`](67.69129342, Unit('degC'))


Replying to:

"If you have more questions about this, maybe it would help if you could share your work as a worksheet and let some of us format it in different ways."

I share this worksheet. This is the way we usually work.

View 9494_cafe Units.mw on MapleNet or Download 9494_cafe Units.mw
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Rename the file. I hope you can now access it.

View 9494_cafe Units.mw on MapleNet or Download 9494_cafe Units.mw
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