
Mr. Hermes Rozsa Iglesias

1038 Reputation

13 Badges

19 years, 248 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by herclau

It will be possible to manipulate this behavior with options "dsolve / event" or "dsolve / Error Control"?

> restart;
> Digits;                                10
> ode := sin(x(t))*(diff(x(t), t, t))+x(t)^3 = t*sin(x(t));

> ics := x(0) = 0, (D(x))(0) = 0;

> s := 250;

How can leave a trail/trace of black point in the yellow and purple screens? Something very similar to the option "animate / trace."


Make it possible to take the numerical data of each screen from the "plottools [getdata]"




How to avoid the following warning with the command NLPSolve / modifiednewton:
Warning, convergence is not assured; examine Hessian values, or consider raising tolerance



How to implement the following operation in Maple, as in MATLAB:

A(~isprime(A)) = 0

A =      0     3     2    13 
           5     0    11     0     
           0     0    ...

Interesting behavior!!

> restart
> N := 150; L := LinearAlgebra[RandomVector](N);


> st := time(); for j to 10^4 do ArrayTools[SearchArray](`~`[`=`](L, max(L))) end do; time()-st;


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