
3 Reputation

2 Badges

13 years, 251 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by hild2959

@hirnyk Yes that is the # command in Mathematica, I am looking for an equivalent command in Maple.

@hirnyk Yes that is the # command in Mathematica, I am looking for an equivalent command in Maple.

@hirnyk Yes I clarified further after your comment to help.

@hirnyk Yes I clarified further after your comment to help.

@hirnyk I am sorry I wasn't clear enough. I thought I was clarifying what I was looking for in the second paragraph. 

@hirnyk I am sorry I wasn't clear enough. I thought I was clarifying what I was looking for in the second paragraph. 

@hirnyk the HWT1D1 command is a routine I have written. What I'm more concerned about it the # command in Mathematica and its equivalent in Maple

@hirnyk the HWT1D1 command is a routine I have written. What I'm more concerned about it the # command in Mathematica and its equivalent in Maple

Is there a way to use a command similar to the mathematica command # to use HWT1D1[#,opts] in the string Matrix(HWT1D1~([seq(m[1..,i],i=1..c)])) 


In particular what I'm looking for is something that will work like the # command in this string. The # command here is taking the argument in the command and putting it into the HWT1D1 transform but allowing there to still be options input.

Clarifying here, the # in mathematica would take the next argument, the selection of each column of the matrix m and using it as the input for my routine HWT1D1 but allowing me to input options as well that I have also written.

 Is there a way to do this type of evaluation in the command you suggested?

Is there a way to use a command similar to the mathematica command # to use HWT1D1[#,opts] in the string Matrix(HWT1D1~([seq(m[1..,i],i=1..c)])) 


In particular what I'm looking for is something that will work like the # command in this string. The # command here is taking the argument in the command and putting it into the HWT1D1 transform but allowing there to still be options input.

Clarifying here, the # in mathematica would take the next argument, the selection of each column of the matrix m and using it as the input for my routine HWT1D1 but allowing me to input options as well that I have also written.

 Is there a way to do this type of evaluation in the command you suggested?

Perfect!! Thank you so much!

Perfect!! Thank you so much!

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