
8 Reputation

2 Badges

13 years, 122 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by hubertbauer

My code consists of some execution groups. There are also some Text sequencies in between.

Now I've to calculate the whole thing with some differnet values so it would be great to be able to call a loop beyond the execution groups.

That of course doesn't work.

So is there any trick to execute parts of the whole sheet several times with different values?

I've got the problem of warnings polluting my text outputs.

If I use interface(warnlevel = 0) the warnings are suppressed in the terminal but not in the files exported by the writeto command.

A sample:

> restart;with(CodeGeneration); with(plots); with(ListTools); with(FileTools);
> Matlab(u(1) = 3);
Warning, the function names {u} are not recognized in the target language
cg = u(1) == 3;
> interface(warnlevel = 0); Matlab(u(1) = 3);

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