
390 Reputation

6 Badges

9 years, 184 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by jalal


I can't understand the error message generated during this animation. Any ideas? Thanks



I am exploring the construction of the recorded table ( Frequency Table) of a statistical series. How can I display only the discrete values, without showing the interval form in the first column 'Range'?  Thank you


Hi,I am looking to construct a histogram in an aesthetic manner with bins. The Histogram command does not provide an optimal output. Any suggestions? Thanks QHistogram.mw


I am attempting to illustrate various solids in Maple. How can I do this with ? (Figure 3 on my worksheet). Thank you


Hello, I am trying to refine my solid with some visual details. How can I draw the arcs (in 3D) that represent the angles of triangle ABC? Thank you.ConeTestLayout.mw

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