
70 Reputation

3 Badges

1 years, 202 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by jasser


I programmed a sequence a(n). Up to a(42) Maple had no problem to calculate the term, but when calculating a(43), after a while appears the message

`System error, `, "bad id"

What does that mean and what can I do?
Thank you.


I would like to replace the expression


by another, more efficient one. Maybe something with iroot?

n is a positive integer.

Thanks for an answer.


I want to count in a list L with many sublists the number of sublists, that contain m elements and only primes. How can I do that?


L:=[[2,3,5,7],[7,13,29],[2,3,4],[5,31,53]], m=3

The result should be 2, because only [7,13,29] and [5,31,53] satiesfy both criteria.

Thank you for an answer!


I am looking for a more efficient way to find all Divisors of n that are smaller than m as

Divisors(n) intersect {seq(i),i=1..m}

For example: For n=24 and m=7 it should result {}.

Thanks for your help!


I would like to calculate the number of partitions of a number s with length n, where the maximum value in the partitions is also n.

For example: s=10, n=4

The result should be 5, because there are 5 partions with length 4 and maximum value 4:

4411, 4321, 4222, 3331, 3322

If I use "PartitionFixedSize(10,'parts'=4)", it makes also partitions with values > 4, for example 5311. How to limit this?

Thank you for an answer!

Kind regards



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