
39 Reputation

10 Badges

14 years, 131 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by jean-jacques

Hello Maple experts,

I call "out" the development of the sum(x^2, x=a..b):

"out":= sum(x^2, x=a..b);

     1        3   1        2   1     1   1  3   1  2   1  
out=     - (b + 1)  - - (b + 1)  + - b + - - - a  + - a  - - a

Several years ago I was using very nicely the classical worsheet of maple10.0.

Now, I installed Maple 14, but I dont find one environment similar to the nice "classical worksheet" of maple10.

How may I use Maple 14  to have something closer to the classical worksheet of maple 10?

Thanks in advance,


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