
131 Reputation

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18 years, 261 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by jjweimer

Just FYI ... as of Maple 2024, the Print -> Print to PDF option on macOS 14.6.1 still gives uneven left/right borders to the output PDF file. I have designed a cropPDF service using a shell script to restore the left/right borders to 1in.

@tomleslie > So what you refer to as a "kludge" has been working perfectly for at least the last seven years.

I mean nothing negative in using the word kludge in reference to how PDF files are to be generated on Windows OS. I may better say things though in this way. Windows OS requires that each app roll its own methods to generate PDF files while mac OS provides built-in libraries to generate PDF files. It seems that MapleSoft has stablized the PDF tool set on Windows but (based on my experienced) has simply ignored using the built-in tools on macOS in favor of trying to builld their own tool sets also on macOS.

Thanks for the feedback. I did contact Maple Technical support at least three versions ago. I am still waiting on an answer.

I do not understand your question. I cannot reproduce your derivative. What in my method below is not what you want?

IModel := T-tanh(4*T/TC)


dIMdT := diff(IModel, T)




dIM := 1-4/T*(1/(T*cosh(4*T/TC)^2))

p1 := plot(subs(TC = 1, dIMdT), T = 0 .. 7, -1 .. 1, color = red, thickness = 2)

p2 := plot(subs(TC = 1, dIM), T = 0 .. 7, -1 .. 1, color = blue, thickness = 2)

plots:-display({p1,p2})plots:-display({p1, p2})




Download isingmodelplot.mw

@tomleslie The macOS does not have the option to Export as PDF because macOS generates a PDF through a Print -> Print to PDF command. I have never had to go through the convolutions in the linked article. We might eventually find that we are simply saying  that Maple -> PDF is a kludge whether on macOS or Windows, but the kludge on Windows works a bit better.

I have had consistently poor experience trying to print to PDF with Maple. One issue is that control over the position of the left margin has essentially disappeared since 2013 or so. When I print to US letterpaper, my left margins are always half the size of the right margins. Another issue is that, as wonderful as the document layout is in real time, the ability to maintain relative sizes for graphics and text and equations going from the worksheet to PDF is horrendous. I fight numereous times to PREVIEW the PDF, adjust, PREVIEW again, and adjust, and PREVIEW again, and ... so on ... until I can get something that somewhat looks reasonable.

I have essentially given up to believe that MapleSoft intends to put any effort into improving the ability to generate a PDF output from its workspaces. Much like JupyterLab Notebooks ... all this wonderful layout that we can do with the tool on a computer screen only leads to major torment when you try to get the content to even a modest semblance of a cleanly-structured page for printing.

I can only upvote this thread many times over.

Here we are with Maple 2021 and still the PDF output on macOS has a left margin that is too narrow by half.

Am I the only person having this problem?

Four years later and still no fix.



@roman_pearce : Apologies for the long delay. Yes, this is the problem. It is still happening with Maple 2015 on OSX 10.11.5. I am waiting to see whether Maple 2016 fixes the problem.


What screencasting software do you use? In some cases, you can either select a window only mode or alternatively post-edit out a section of the screencast. In this case, maximize the Maple document window and hide the dock.

Yes ... MapleSoft should support full screen mode on the Mac. Realize however, Maple is a multi-platform app. In my experience, I would state that MapleSoft likely has far higher priority given to development of common features to all platforms than to platform-specific features, especially with regard to the UI.

IOW, I would bet that we might have to wait forever for Maple to support fullscreen mode on the Mac, and the best answer to this problem will be to use a Mac-designed screencasting application that does the job of chopping out the menu bar in pre-capture or post-edit mode.


Still no response? Not even from a MapleSoft representative. Gee. Bugs that go unfixed for years on end could be posted as a disappointing testament to the low level of attention given to product quality. This one impacts the everyday utility and operation of the software.

MapleSoft -- This should not rocket science! Can we get a fix????


Thanks. This looks as though it may do what I want, especially if it is programmable.



I looked at this. Near as I can tell, it will only work to adjust plot sizes when sending files to external devices. Also, the generic width and height parameters in "in" (inches) works.



Thank you! This helps me better understand how to set up my programs properly.



Thank you! This helps me better understand how to set up my programs properly.



Thanks. Even if I did use LaTeX, this does not address the issue at hand. I want an easier way to create sub/super scripts while working on portions of text within Maple, not a solution involving transport of documents between Maple and some other application.

Absent a way to set keystroke binding preferences, I'll consider to fall back on third party apps - ones that allow me to capture keystrokes and associate them with menu selections.

BTW, I use LaTeX all the time for almost every major document I have to make. I agree with you ... Maple can produce darn good looking documents with embedded math - certainly in some cases far better looking than anything equivalently done as an MS Word document. However Maple cannot do anything near what LaTeX can do to produce documents with exceptional typsetting, even at the most simple "Hello World" level. It should not even try to market itself as a competitor for this.



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