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17 years, 25 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by jzivku

At this time, algorithmic variables are not supported in the Sketch question.

We do hope to include this in a future release. 

The only workaround at this time is to create an algorithmic Math App in Maple and use that as a temporary solution until we have algorithmic variables supported natively in Maple T.A.

Take care.



It looks like Maple T.A. or Mobius would be the best solution for what you're trying to do.

I would be happy to discuss this further with you over email or telephone. 

Please email me at jzivku@maplesoft.com to discuss this further.

Take care.


You can use numfmt.

For example:

$num1=numfmt("#",  range(1000,1500,1));

For more information, go to: http://www.maplesoft.com/support/help/MapleTA10/MapleTAInstructor/ch06s18.aspx#Chapter06_numfmtfmtx

Take care.

Maplesoft Product Manager, Online Education Products

Hello Erik,

To further investigate this issue, can you please contact our support team at support@maplesoft.com

Take care.

Maplesoft Product Manager

Yes this is possible with Question Chaining.

For your reference, here is a link to the help page: http://www.maplesoft.com/support/help/MapleTA10/MapleTAInstructor/ch06s20.aspx

If you need further assistance, please contact Maplesoft Technical Support at support@maplesoft.com

Take care.

Maplesoft Product Manager, Maple T.A.

One way to insert comments is to use the colon symbol as follows:

:comment one;
:comment two;

This does work in Maple T.A., however, it hasn't been officially tested and isn't documeted in the help section.

Maplesoft Product Manager, Maple T.A.

While this question doesn't exist natively in Maple T.A., you could try using a multiple choice question.

The choices would be numbers, (1, 2, 3, 4, etc...) and the student would be instructed to select one based on how they rate the statement.

This can be done either in the Question Designer or in the Multiple Choice question type.

I hope that helps.

Maplesoft Product Manager, Maple T.A.


When you are viewing the grades for the assignment in the Maple T.A. Gradebook, click the assignment name at the top of the grades column.

Notice that after you click it, it will show you a breakdown of the grades per group.

You can also go one step further and click the group number to see the grades for each question within those groups.

I hope that helps.

Maplesoft Product Manager, Maple T.A.


The best way to do this would be by using the "Description" field in a question.

In Maple T.A. 9.5, we introduced this field. It allows an instructor the opportunity to add a description to the question that only they, and other people who have permission to see the question, will see.

If you go to the Question Details page, there will be a header for the Description. Simply put any information you want to be seen by yourself and other instructors and save it.

Kind Regards,

Maplesoft Product Manager, Maple T.A.


This recorded webinar would be a good start to learn about authoring questions in Maple T.A.: http://www.maplesoft.com/webinars/recorded/featured.aspx?id=536

Specifically, fast forward to around 30 minutes in.

Also, you can contact our support team at support@maplesoft.com with any other questions you may have related to question authoring.

We hope to have several training videos on our website in the near future to assist in various areas of Maple T.A.

Kind Regards,

Product Manager, Maple T.A.

Hello J. Virágh,

The Moodle connector for Maple T.A. was introduced in Maple T.A. 6.
The information related to how to install and use the connector can be found on the DVD disc under ../Moodle/ .

Alternatively, if you need a copy of this documentation, please email technical support at support@maplesoft.com to obtain it.

Kind Regards,

Maplesoft Product Manager, Maple T.A.


I would recommend contacting our Technical Support department by emailing them at support@maplesoft.com .

Take Care.

Maplesoft Quality Assurance Analyst

Also, since licensing is tied to your machine hardware, you should have no problems having both the 32-bit and 64-bit version of Maple operating on your machine.

Maplesoft Quality Assurance Analyst

The problem is your code appears to be defined incorrectly, you have put:

There are a few problems here.

First, the correct code would be:

However, this is an infinite loop. i will never get larger than 2.

I suggest modifying your code to not have this happen.

I tried this in Maple 15 and it worked just fine.

Could you please attach your Maple worksheet or paste the exact code so we can furhter see what is going on?

Perhaps there is a problem happening in the syntax of your code that isn't quite obvious to see.

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