
170 Reputation

5 Badges

7 years, 302 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by kambiz1199

i want to find best equation with nonlinear fit or fit for my result
my first variable in column one with name h
 my second variable in column two with name d
 my result in the column 3

i just know that my ratio to b is exponential

Matrix(20, 3, [[70, 8, 8.468140006], [70, 10, 4.105515432], [70, 12, 2.36261199], [70, 14, 1.422093923], [70, 16, 0.9], [100, 8, 20.47249229], [100, 10, 9.618450629], [100, 12, 5.360869165], [100, 14, 3.399312905], [100, 16, 2.640399788], [130, 8, 35.90466304], [130, 10, 17.62958097], [130, 12, 9.828362586], [130, 14, 5.866863694], [130, 16, 3.799262645], [160, 8, 57.31814648], [160, 10, 34.49692774], [160, 12, 15.39340528], [160, 14, 9.991012951], [160, 16, 6.049343013]]);

how can i get best equation with ninlinearFit

thant you so much


i also show my result in below plot

how can i Roand my answers to 2 number after decimal point.

That is, Maple shows me only two digits after the decimal point. like this. 

K := evalf(Matrix(3, [1/3, -20/3, -20/3, 200/3, 70000/3, 4000/3, 1.44]), 6);

how can i factor from 0.03 in this equation and show like the yellow equation



f := 0.03 - 0.03*cos(5.885*t)

how can i sort this expresion by index of L

f(15) := expand(((673*L[13] - 485*L[14] - 176*L[15])*h^2 - 90*(L[13] - (13*L[14])/15 - (2*L[14])/15)*x*h)/(12*h^3));

thank you

how can i remove, zero after dot from my result

V := 4;
K := 16.56;

H := 0.5;

q1 := evalf(diff(y[1](x), x) = V*y[2](x)/H - K*y[1](x)/H);

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