
170 Reputation

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8 years, 81 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by kambiz1199


thank you alot


thank you sir you help me alot



thank you very much sir


thank you a lot

this is part of my code. i have different number in rest of my code


thank you a lot 

@Carl Love 

thank you so much sir


thanks alot.

@nm sure. thank you. 

i forget it

@Kitonum great. thank you 

@mmcdara thank you so much


thank you soooooooooo much  thats very help me . Thanks a lot



@Joe Riel 

thank you 

@Joe Riel 

thanks for answer

first column is time second columns is acceleration As in the figure below

@Joe Riel 

data in the excel is acceleration . i want to get fourier and power spectra of this deta

@Joe Riel 

thank you very much  thats very help me . Thanks a lot

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