
Kim Koserski

230 Reputation

5 Badges

13 years, 169 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by kkoserski

This January 28th, we will be hosting another full-production, live streaming webinar featuring an all-star cast of Maplesoft employees: Andrew Rourke (Director of Teaching Solutions), Jonny Zivku (Maple T.A. Product Manager), and Daniel Skoog (Maple Product Manager). Attend the webinar to learn how educators all around the world are using Maple and Maple T.A. in their own classrooms.

Any STEM educator, administrator, or curriculum coordinator who is interested in learning how Maple and Maple T.A. can help improve student grades, reduce drop-out rates, and save money on administration costs will benefit from attending this webinar.

Click here for more information and registration.

Since we’re almost at the end of the year, I thought it would be interesting to look back at our most popular webinars for academics in 2015. I found that they fell into one of two categories: live streaming webinars featuring Dr. Robert Lopez and Maple how-to tutorials.  (If you missed the live presentation, you can watch the recordings of all these webinars below.)

The first and second most popular webinar were, unsurprisingly, both of the live streaming webinars that featured Dr. Robert Lopez (Emeritus Professor at Rose Hulman Institute of Technology and Maple Fellow at Maplesoft). These webinars were streamed live to an audience and allowed many people to get their first glimpse of the man behind the Clickable Calculus series and Teaching Concepts with Maple:

1.       Eigenpairs Enlivened

In this webinar, Dr. Robert Lopez demonstrates how Maple can enhance the task of teaching the eigenpair concept, and shows how Maple bridges the gap between the concept and the algorithms by which students are expected to practice finding eigenpairs.

2.       Resequencing Concepts and Skills via Maple's Clickable

In this webinar, Dr. Lopez presents examples of what "resequencing" looks like when implemented with Maple's point-and-click syntax-free paradigm. Not only can Maple be used to elucidate the concept, but in addition, it can be used to illustrate and implement the manipulations that ultimately the student must master.

The next three were all brief webinars on how to complete specific tasks in Maple 2015. Just under a dozen of these were created in 2015 and they were all quite popular, but these three stood out above the rest:

3.       Working with Data Sets in Maple

This video walks through examples of working with several types of data in Maple, including visualizing stock and commodity data, forecasting future temperatures using weather data, and analyzing macroeconomic data, such as employment statistics, GDP and other economic indicators.

4.       Custom Color Schemes in Maple

This webinar provides an overview of the colorscheme option for coloring surfaces, curves and collections of points in Maple, including how to color with gradients, according to function value or point position. Examples of how the colorscheme option is used with various commands from the Maple library are also demonstrated.

 5.       Working with Units in Maple

Maple 2015 allows for more fluid and natural interaction with units. This webinar provides an overview of the new unit formatting controls and new Temperature object, and demonstrates how to compute with units and tolerances.

Are there any topics you’d like to see Robert cover in upcoming webinars? Or, any Maple how-to videos you think would be a helpful addition to our library? Let us know in the comments below!


This October 21st, Maplesoft will be hosting a full-production, live streaming webinar featuring Dr. Robert Lopez, Emeritus Professor and Maple Fellow. You might have caught Dr. Lopez's Clickable Calculus webinar series before, but this webinar is your chance to meet the man behind the voice and watch him use Clickable Math techniques live!

In this webinar, Dr. Lopez will present examples of what "resequencing concepts and skills" looks like when implemented with Maple's point-and-click syntax-free paradigm. He will demonstrate how Maple can not only be used to elucidate the concept, but also, how it can be used to illustrate and implement the manipulations that ultimately the student must master.

Click here for more information and registration.

The first instalment in the Hollywood Math webinar series will be returning live this September 17th! It will be presented by Daniel Skoog, our Maple Product Manager.

Over its storied and intriguing history, Hollywood has entertained us with many mathematical moments in film. John Nash in “A Beautiful Mind,” the brilliant janitor in “Good Will Hunting,” the number theory genius in “Pi,” and even Abbott and Costello are just a few of the Hollywood “mathematicians” that come to mind.

During this webinar we will present a number of examples of mathematics in film, including those done capably, as well as questionable and downright “creative” treatments. See relevant, exciting examples that you can use to engage your students, or attend this webinar simply for its entertainment value. Have you ever wondered if the bus could really have jumped the gap in “Speed?” We’ve got the answer! Anyone with an interest in mathematics, especially high school and early college math educators, will be both entertained and informed by attending this webinar.

To join us for the live presentation, click here to register.

As an educator, you surely know that giving students more involved problems in an online assessment tool provides challenges, both for students and instructors. Only marking the final answer doesn’t necessarily provide an understanding of the student’s capabilities, and it penalizes students that make a small mistake in part of their solution.

This webinar will demonstrate how to create separate questions with multiple steps that can be linked or chained together. Question chaining allows instructors to mark subsequent questions based on the correct answer or the answer provided by students in previous parts.

To join us for the live presentation, please click here to register.

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