
10 Reputation

One Badge

8 years, 194 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by kountouretti

I have the following question:

Illustrate how the sequence N->R de fined by n ->n^2/n^2 + 31n + 228 can be shown to be
within a given epsilon > 0 of its limiting value x0.
(a) use an appropriate conditional statement to find N such that abs (xn -􀀀 x0) < epsilon for every n>=N
and produce an appropriate list of the data points (n,xn) to illustrate

I found N but without using any CONDITIONAL STATEMENT.Can you help me find N using IF FOR WHILE?

How can i find the critical points of any cubic polynomial in maple17? I want a general procedure

I have the following sequence: n2/n2+31n+228.The question asks me to use an appropriate conditional statement to find N such that absolute (xn-x0)<epsilon for every n>=N. I found N but i don't know how to find it using Maple17.Can you please help me?


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