
1535 Reputation

15 Badges

19 years, 8 days



Mario Lemelin
Maple 14.00 Win 7 64 bits
Maple 14.00 Ubuntu 10,04 64 bits
messagerie : mario.lemelin@cgocable.ca téléphone :  (819) 376-0987

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by lemelinm

Here are the inputs and output:

Why is it not possible to simplify the meter and the second (which are units).  If I do "simplify(pmin), the unit MeV becomes J and that is not what I want.  Simply said, is Maplesoft planning to include particle physics where c = h = 1 in the future version of the package "Physics"?

Until that happens, does someone knows how to give the answer in MeV/c.  The preceding problem was asking the mass of a particle in MeV/c^2.

Thank you in advance for your trouble.

Mario Lemelin

Hello everyone,

I need to expand this:


so I have as a final expressioin


This is the property that has to be true so the probability is one.

>assume(u::complex, v::complex);  does not work and the simple commande

>expand() neither.  Any idea?

I would like to see the list of metrics recognize by Maple with their acornym.  For example,:

>Setup(coordinates = spherical, metric = kerr)


I was wondering if it is possible to use units in Maple so I can always check if the result I have at the end of calculation is the meter.  For example:


The answer is of course 3.10^8 m^3*kg/s^3

I try to do something with the units but I am unable to crreate something that will simplify the m/s ffactor to 1.

Any idea?

Thank you in advance for your help.


Helle everybohy,

I need to setup a metric tensor in 3-d but with the varalble r, theta and phi.  So I try this:

>with(Physics); Setup(mathematicalnotation = true, dimension = 3)

>Setup(coordinates = spherical[r, theta, varphi], metric = M)

where M is the metric that I need to use.  But the last command does not work.  Il I don't write [r, theta, varphi], it work but it's r, theta and t.

Any hint on this please?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Mario Lemelin


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