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MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by mahmood1800


I really appreciate you. My mistake was in indices for P matrix. As you mentioned, "Matrix indices in Maple start from 1, so adjust for 0-based indexing", now the problem is clearified to me.
Hope you the best outcome in all life issues.

@Mariusz Iwaniuk 

dear M.I

thanks a lot again for your elegant guide. hope you all the best. 

@Mariusz Iwaniuk 

Dear Mariusz Iwaniuk 

Thanks in advance for your great answer, but I have two question about it and i will be so grateful if you can guide me:

1. In the line "sol := pdsolve([PDE]);" we see 5 constants which should be detemined via BC's and IC's(Boundary and Initial Conditions). But we have only 4 of these conditions. So how we should match them?

2. In the line "SOL := solve.....eval(rhs(sol[1]),t=3)=0,", I have change "eval(rhs(sol[1]),t=3)=0" to eval(rhs(sol[1]),{x=3,t=3)=0". is this true for condition 3? Am I allowded?

Thanks again for any help



@Carl Love 
Dear Carl LOve, 
Hi. In the following code, I can see the general solution but i don't know how apply the initial conditions. also I want to know if there is any analytical solution to the problem using maple?

> with(PDEtools):
>E1:=[ diff(f1(x,t),x)=2*f3(x,t)+3*f1(x,t)-f2(x,t),



Hi Dera Kitonum

I apologize for the mistake in typing. Thank you for your complete response. I resubmitted the modified form of the problem. Thanks for the guidance again.


Hi Dear.

I apologize for the mistake in typing. The corrected problem has been replaced.

@Carl Love 

Thank you dear Carl
A is also a column vector and I have forgotten the "T" superscript.

A and H(t) can have finite number of elements(say, n).

@Rouben Rostamian  
thanks in advance

Thanks in advance

Thanks in advance



Sorry, i have not seen the "=" sign. ok. so we have the constraint as "A=B+C", and if we change it to "A-B-C=0", then we could have following:

> with(Optimization):
> with(plots):
>   obj := (c0-x)^2+(c1-(2/3)*x-(1/3)*y)^2+(c2-(1/3)*x-(2/3)*y)^2+(c3-y)^2;
>  cnsts := 32*x+19*y - 15*c0+18*c1+15*c2+3*c3;
>            Minimize(obj, {cnsts=0});
where we have 

      [0., [c0 = 0., c1 = 0., c2 = 0., c3 = 0., x = 0., y = 0.]]

but i am not sure that this is true.


Dear Kitonum
thanks in advance. the program is now works correctly. that is so great.
hope you the best.


Dear Kitonum
thanks in advance. But this reduce the same polynomials for all the subintervals. this is not true.
hope you the best

 thanks a lot

this is the corret code...

Best wishes



Hi and thanks,

My main problem is the procedure that produce the bn,m(t)'s correctly. The Fourier coefficient associated to the restriction of x(t) will be found under some constraints later.

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