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These are replies submitted by mahmood1800

@Thomas Richard 

Hi, thanks...I have corrected my question.

@Carl Love 


Thanks in advance.

I tried to run the above code but the following error was seen;

"Error, (in LinearAlgebra:-Transpose) invalid input: LinearAlgebra:-Transpose expects its 1st argument, A, to be of type {Matrix, Vector, scalar} but received Array(1..4, 0..2, [[...],[...],[...],[...]], datatype = anything)"


This is the exactly form which i need.

@Carl Love 

Thanks all in advance.

I have corrected the integral form.

Note that B(t) contains b_{i,j}(t)'s which are polynomilas. so is B(s), and my mean of integral is the correct form of  derivative and product to transpose  in piecewise functions.

@Rouben Rostamian  

Thanks a lot. it works great..

Thanks a lot for your nice comments

Please look to following example with same commands but true answer


 best wishes

Mahmood   Dadkhah

Ph.D Candidate

Applied Mathematics Department


Dear Acer,

Hi and so thanks for your nice and astute answer. That is the most correct answer for me and i am gareful of your guides.

Best wishes



so please write the hole program for me...

I have tried following but i am not sure  about its trust
> f(t):=t:                                
> for n from 1 to N do
> for m from 0 to M-1 do
> if m=0 then  c[n,m]:=subs(t=(n-1)*tj/N,(1/(N^m*m!))*(f(t))); else
> c[n,m]:=subs(t=(n-1)*tj/N,(1/(N^m*m!))*diff(f(t),t$ m));
> fi;od;
> od;
> seq(seq(c[n,m],m=0..M-1),n=1..N);

ok....but the problem is that m starts from 0 and diff(f(t),t$0); is undefined.

@Carl Love 

Hi dear and thanks a lot for your hint...

I have corrected the program and the result is  as one as i want

thanks of all

@Preben Alsholm 
Hi and thanks

unfortunately your mentioned  code doesn't respond correctly

the solution by your code is:


so please consider it and tell me what to do more...

Best wishes



Dear Kitonum

I want to have the valuse in table for errors but:

RTABLE(254847692,MATRIX([[t, `g2(t) - g1(t)`], [`----------`,
`----------`], [.1, g2(.1)-g1(.1)], [.2, g2(.2)-g1(.2)], [.3,
is not as one as i want.

how can i do that?

Hi and thanks a lot. this is exactly identic with my mean of problem

@Preben Alsholm 
thanks a lot...that is right

@Preben Alsholm 

Hi. your advice led to the following error:

Error, (in HybrFunc) invalid input: OB[m,3] uses a 3rd argument, t, which is missing



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