
160 Reputation

5 Badges

10 years, 108 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mapleatha

I need tto change the color of a word or a math expression inside the title of a Maple plot.
For example, I need to have sin(x) in red in this axes plot:

AX:=plot([[x,0,x=0..Pi],[0,y,y=0..1]],color=black,thickness=3,title=typeset("\nLeft Riemann Sum for the Function:\n",sin(x), "on the interval ", [0,Pi]\n),titlefont=["Arial",25]):

How do I do it?

Thank you!


It would be nice to save various animated Maple images from into GIF images, but without the coordinates and the axes. THe same question in anoehr way: Can we plot the original function without any axes or coordinates?

Thank you!


These two animations do not work under Maple 2020. How do I make them work? What am I doing wrong?

plots[animate]( plot3d, [sin(A)*(x^2+y^2), x=-2..2, y=-2..2], A=0..2*Pi );

plots[animate]( plot, [A*sin(x), x=0..10], A=0..2 );

Thank you!






Why is Maple 2020 in "" different from Maple 2020 in I am connecting to maple 2020 in two different ways to the school where I work. The schools name is, say, "abc". The first version of Maple 2020 has two arrows at the top. The second arrow is the "upload" arrow and allows me to upload a file from my home computer the my folder at school.
The second version of Maple 2020 has no such arrows. Both versions allow me to get my Maple cloud working for local loading and saving Maple files. How can I upload a Maple file to my Maple cloud from my home computer in the second Maple 2020 version in Or, how can I upload a file to my Maple cloud in any way from my home computer?
By the way, the second Maple 2020 version is coming from Microsoft's Remore Desktop Web Client. It look like it has its own navigation bar at the top.

Thank you!


This does not work with Maple 13. Can I still do something like this just using the linear operator D?




I need the derivative D(f)!!

Thank you!!!


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