
160 Reputation

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9 years, 344 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mapleatha

How do you print [0,infinity) in Maple 13 like

RealRange does not seem to work.

Thank you!


How do we replace D^i by diff(y(x),x$i) in did:=D^14+23*D^13+144*D^12
in Maple 13?

Thank you!



I have the expression:

This works (Ans. 144):


This works (Ans. 144):


Why doesn't this work?


Why doesn't this work?


I need those "generic" substituions for certain loops that I am making.

Thank you!




I would like to have Maple give me sin(2nPi) = 0 assuming that n is a positive integer. Is there a way to do it?

Thank you.


The low-level command is "RTABLE". I have used it a million times. I use it with Maple 13 to replace expressions by tables.
For example,

print(`Hello! `*RTABLE(1,x^2+y^2));

will print: Hello! x^2+y^2. However, the main reason I am using it is to avoid Maple messing up the order of things like sums,
products, etc. However, this command has disappeared. It does not exist in Maple 2020. So, I cannot run my programs at the university which now has Maple 2020. Anybody knows if this command can still be used in another form the same way?

Thank you!

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